Archive: Start Program After Install

Start Program After Install

After successfull installation,i need to refresh screen parameters or closing session to start my program.

As it's an Active Desktop file, i want to Notify the system of an event that an application has performed.
I know SHChangeNotify command (Shell command) but it doesn't work.

I don't know why.
this is my data to open Folder : it works.

set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
set oFolder = oShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a Folder", 0)

My data to refresh : don't work
set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

set oFolder = oShell.ChangeNotify("ALLEVENTS")

Do you have an idea to realize this ?

Thinks for your help and sorry for my help

Applying changes to the Active Desktop is only possible with the IActiveDesktop COM Interface.

So you should write a small program that calls the update function. The are some C++ samples available on the MS site.

Or a DLL for NSIS...

Here's a dll that refreshes the Active Desktop. I did not create it. Florian Heidenreich did it!!! But I use it in my program ToDoList successfully.


Thinks a lot for your help
i've find another solution with a Visual Basic program that refresh Active Desktop. And i can active it if it is not.

So, thinks a lot for your help.

If you want to use a Visual Basic program for it, you should include the VB runtime (about 1 MB).