29th April 2002 00:28 UTC
NSIS 1.98 joy.
OK 1.98 is up on www.firehose.net/free/nsis (soon to be mirrored to nullsoft.com).
- Made SectionIn support more section indices. May break old scripts though (since 12 is interpreted as 12 not 1 and 2 now), but the compiler should at least give error rather than fail silently.
- Added config.h option: NSIS_CONFIG_CRC_ANAL
- Made Sleep instruction not print "Wait..." to output.
- Updated to MakensisW 1.4
- Updated exdll.dpr (Delphi port)
- Added LogText and LogSet commands
- Reworked heavily the section system.
- - Added SectionSetText, SectionSetFlags, SectionGetFlags, and SectionGetText.
- - Added .onSelChange callback.
- - Added RO parameter for SectionIn
- Made size estimation display nicer and reorganized a little bit.
- Added SetShellVarContext instruction.
- Added parameter support for !macro and !insertmacro
Peace all.
29th April 2002 13:31 UTC
Are there any problems using the shell api to get the shell folders? The current implementation uses the myRegGetStr function to look for the start menu folder.
The SHGetSpecialFolderPath with a CSIDL specified could be a better way. The values CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU and CSIDL_STARTMENU should answer the correct folders for each OS version.
Using SHGetSpecialFolderPath it is easy to add the common app data folder (CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA) and the app data folder (CSIDL_APPDATA). It would be nice to add two separat variables for these folders (e.g. $APPDATA and $COMMONAPPDATA) so that an uninstaller can remove application data files during uninstall and leave a clean pc.
3rd May 2002 12:43 UTC
[PATCH] Preserving file attributes
I have noticed that my patch for preserving file attributes was not included in the latest version.
( Previously posted here: http://forums.winamp.com/showthread....&postid=492927 )
I have updated the patch to nsis 1.98. Please apply.
Lars Munch