Archive: Making NSIS even smaller...?

Making NSIS even smaller...?
I've just found/rediscovered this file while clearing out my downloads directory, explaining some compiler/linker options to make .exe's smaller :)

Just curious if the NSIS exehead could make use of any/all of these options, if it doesn't already...?


That's the header file from A quick test showed the exehead went from 35.5k to 35k (difference of 0.5k). I'm not sure about the license though.

another good tool for compressing EXE is UPX
It's open source

UPX just compresses the exe, that's the same as the NSIS compress whole option.

*** bump ***

Any chance of added these few lines to reduce the exehead by a 1/2k?

I think most the of the #PRAGMAs in the header are already set, I can't remember though.

Just confirmed the part of that file doing the business boils down to adding the following to the linker options in the project settings

/ / /ignore:4078

How about setting these in the next version then? Or could they cause side-effects...?

Originally posted by eccles
Just confirmed the part of that file doing the business boils down to adding the following to the linker options in the project settings
/ / /ignore:4078
Anyone know of any problem these settings could cause? If not I'd like to add them to nsis2k...


If you add them the header file can not be compressed using UPX. I alredy removed it from NSIS 2.0a1.

Oh!? Ok, fairy nuff.