Archive: Cuestions and Sugestion for NSIS 1.98

Cuestions and Sugestion for NSIS 1.98
- The INSTDIR in the uninstaller changes when you move the uninstaller.exe to another directory. For example, I have dir1 as INSTDIR and I want to copy the uninstaller to dir2:
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\dir2\uninstaller.exe"
Thus, it is useless to write this:
Section "Uninstall"
because when you run the uninstaller it takes dir2 as the INSTDIR, and what I want is to take dir1 as INSTDIR. Can I do anything to resolve this?

- Another problem is what I wrote in this thread:
I would like to know if somebody knows something about this, please.

- Would it be possible to include a help button in the installer, and nsis code to use it, for instance .onHelpClick, etc.

Thank you.:up:

I would also like to suggest that the uninstaller too will use the registry key set with InstallDirRegKey.