Archive: Borland C++ Compiler

Borland C++ Compiler
how can I compile NSIS with Borland C++ Compiler 5.5?

I found an old topic in this forum but the makefile didn't work. :cry:

Can you help me? :up:

Well, it is good that you searched the forums first, but I think the current makefile should work, if not, then I don't know what to do.


THere are a number of caveats.
1. You need to compile a new initialisation module, so you can get a small exe header.

I would refer you to my website, but it is down (any body like to host it? :))

compile this with TASM...

; crt.asm
; Peter Windridge 2001.

.model flat

extrn WinMain : near


; entry point


; leave your WinMain to call ExitProcess(0) ..
jmp WinMain

end _Entry

; eof

Actually, I have attached a copy ..

2. Because the resource file was created with Visual Studio, the resource compiler chokes on the script ;( - some editting is needed.

3. If you are talking about my old makefiles, they wont work because NSIS has some new files since then (crc32.c, and I dont think there are any more). If I get time I will dig out my old makefile and get it working.

Duanne, I think the current makefiles are for gcc.

cough.. hmm attached to this post, that is.

tested NSIS 1.98
unzip (with subfolder names) to your source directory.
You will need to overwrite your afxres.h files with the copies in the zip file.

1. cd to your ./source/exehead directory
2. make -B
3. cd..
4. make -B
5. makensis ../rtest

this file is working great.

It would be great if you can do this for future versions
and if Justin could include it in the main package.
