- NSIS Discussion
- Screen mouse pointer
Archive: Screen mouse pointer
Joost Verburg
11th May 2002 13:08 UTC
Screen mouse pointer
Before I can show the first window of my NSIS installer, I need to extract the InstallOptions DLL and a few INI files. This takes a few seconds :)
The problem is that the user doesn't see anything while the installer is loading, so it gives the idea that it doesn't work. :(
I would be nice if I could set the mousepointer of the screen to a hourglass. A SetScreenMousePointer function or something like that.
I don't know how I should add this to the NSIS C++ code (I don't know C++ very well). A splash screen / DLL is not possible, because they have to be extracted too, and I need to use very high compression (so a bit slow). Can anyone help me with this?
11th May 2002 13:15 UTC
[edit]Oops... Should have read it until the end :(
If not with a DLL you can use this code in NSIS if you understand how to add functions.[/edit]
Create a DLL with these functions (you have a template in the contrib dir):
SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT));
SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_APPSTARTING));
And to set it back to normal use:
SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW));
[edit]Bad idea... You will have to extract this DLL too...[/edit]
Joost Verburg
11th May 2002 13:20 UTC
Yes, it should be in the installer itself :D
Does Setcursor work for the entire screen?
11th May 2002 13:53 UTC
I think this example will clear it all up:
Joost Verburg
11th May 2002 14:08 UTC
The NSIS window is not visible when the cursor should be displayed, so the cursor of the entire screen should be changed. In Visual Basic, I can use:
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
This MSDN info is for the cursor of application window itself I think?
11th May 2002 14:53 UTC
I am not sure it is the best sulotion, but it is the only one I can think of. You can use SetSystemCursor.
Joost Verburg
11th May 2002 15:25 UTC
Maybe a build-in splash screen is a better idea. Like the one that appears when the installer is doing a CRC check.
Joost Verburg
11th May 2002 15:42 UTC
Ok, I'll create a dialog resource with a wait dialog for the installer. :)
How can I add an NSIS function to show and hide this dialog?
Joost Verburg
11th May 2002 20:23 UTC
Ok :D
I've added a function for a nice wait dialog, maybe this is even better than just a mouse cursor. Quite easy to add a function to NSIS. :)
Thanks for the help!
13th May 2002 14:35 UTC
Of course, you could make a small bitmap saying 'Unpacking Installation...' or something like that.
Here's a modified version of Splash that stays there until you send a message to it. Just put this before you do the extractions:
Function .onInit
SetOutPath $TEMP
...and this code after the extractions are done:
FindWindow $0 _sp
SendMessage $0 0x300 0 0
This has been downloaded 697 time(s).
Joost Verburg
13th May 2002 16:29 UTC
Originally posted by petersa
Of course, you could make a small bitmap saying 'Unpacking Installation...' or something like that.
Here's a modified version of Splash that stays there until you send a message to it. Just put this before you do the extractions:
Function .onInit
SetOutPath $TEMP
...and this code after the extractions are done:
FindWindow $0 _sp
SendMessage $0 0x300 0 0
[img]images/attach/gif.gif[/img]Attachment: splash_until_cut.zip
This has been downloaded 697 time(s).
Thanks for your info.
As I said, I have already made a build-in splash in the NSIS installer, which appears immediately, without extracting an extrernal splash application. :)
1st September 2005 12:48 UTC
I'm sorry, but I haven't catched this - what is the simplest way to set hourglass cursor for my Modern UI custom page?
1st September 2005 19:34 UTC
Well, this thread is talking about a very specific hourglass cursor shown when the installer starts up, not anywhere in the installer. For the start-up, the splash or banner plug-in are probably the best solution. For anything else, write a plug-in that calls SetCursor.