Archive: NSIS 2.0 alpha 0

NSIS 2.0 alpha 0
Just put this together. The main improvement is use of a treeview
instead of a listbox for the sections. This allows subsections in
the tree. Anyway, it's a bit hacked together from code Jeff Doozan gave me, so test it out and let me know what you think.


Just updated it with bugfixes, as well as more bitmap support for readonly sections.

BTW, if your first section is visible, you need to set it to RO if you want it to behave like previous installers.



me downloads instantly


I think NSIS 1.98 is better than 2.0. :mad:

The text and the symbols of the sections is too small.

You should better make it possible to have multilingual setups. :up:

They look fine to me. I'm exceptionally impressed with it thus far. (You'd hope so, since I told jeff to submit the code. ;-) )

Two things:

1) Request: Have a flag for SubSection that will set the SubSection to default to being expanded.

2) Bug-ish Behavior: (Because I don't think it's a bug really, but behavior by design that should be modified, I think) When you set a Section to have a !define'd var for [section index output], that !define'd var is warned to not exist if it is used before the Section appears in the code, and has a value of 0 and will remain that way until the Section that it's !define'd for is reached. It would seem logical to me that those !define's be filled immediately and are available in all sections.

Wow, that was wordy. I hope it was consise and clear though.


[Edit] Added (2) [/Edit]

Lookin good!

I notice the SectionSetText changes in BigTest.nsi are not visible until the page is left and revisited though.



/me is happy :)


awesome...Justin, you've done it again :)

keep up the great work.. This new treeview looks awesome..

fine !!!

(was a long time of waiting)

[PATCH] Preserving file attributes

Any chance that this patch will make NSIS 2.0?

Lars Munch

KILLER Build! Way to go Justin! Any chance of KillProcess?

Wow - this sounds absolutely incredible! Thank you very much Justin. :D

As soon as I find the time and wrap up my current installer project, I'll start playing around with this. In the meantime, excuse me for asking: are there any issues with the 2.0 alpha anyone has found that I might want to watch out for?

two comments
I think that the main window for NSIS is getting smaller. At least when it comes to install the same NSIS. I suggest to enable the resize corner.

Another think ;), the bitmaps for the sections should have the background colorless not white, because some people (like me) chose another color for the background. It's quite unestethic to see the boundaries of the icons.

I just have discovered that "exemple2.nsi" doesn't compile in NSIS20a0.

how about environment (path, classpath, etc) manipulation functions builtin?

Implementing enviroment manipulation functions into NSIS is a waste of space. One of NSIS's main pluses is its size. You can do it with the functions I have sent you.

it would still increase the space of an installer binary if the function(s) were never called? beyond that, i still don't see how it could possibly add any notable amount of space, and having 100 lines of functions in every nsi script is a bit of a kludge - especially if non-nsis specialists are going to be looking at the script or doing light modifications.

Yes, if you include these functions as basic directives of NSIS it will increase the header size even though you don't use them. If you don't want to include them in every NSIS script you have just put them in a seprate file and use !include.

thanks for clarifying that :]

First of all let me declare: NSIS rrrrocks!

But seeing this new version coming, my little requests would be:

* resizable windows (n0On3 you are right!)
* ability to generate sections (or section-like selectable packages) runtime
* multi language support, or at least the ablility to change the texts like "extracting", "skipping", etc.

Just keep up the good work, Justin!

VC++ Compatible Error Messages
Firstly, luv the treeview !!

A little mod I've made to my copy of the v2 code is to change the three lines of code that log an error during script compilation (only changed if a define exists) so that they use this format:

filename(linenumber): error

This way when I build inside the Developer Studio environment (I make Utility projects for my NSIS installs and use the output window to see errors, I can then double-click them to be taken straight to the file and line where the problem exists).

This is a really minor change to the code, maybe with a run-time switch to enable it many other people could enjoy this feature.

Anyway it was just a thought since it's so small ;-)


Programmer @ Advent Publishing Systems
& msn:

NEW palette limitations
Hello all,

I'd like to say (as usual) that NSIS is an excellent tool and that I'm grateful to Justin and the contributors that keep improving on this wonderful utility. :)

I have a concern with the latest release though... I know one of the major objectives with NSIS is small installer size: an excellent ideal. It is my understanding that it is to this end that higher colour icons and checkbox images are not supported - the maximum colour depth was and is, sixteen colours.

And this is fine for the most part: one can't have everything one wants after all. ;)

But, in versions of NSIS prior to 2.0a, checkbox images for the various states (selected, deselected) were stored separately in separate .bmp files. This was a *great* advantage because although the palette was limited to 16 colours, at least one could have *different* palettes and hence a different range of colours for the checkbox images.

With all checkbox images combined into one image (and colour depth still limited to 16 colours) it becomes very difficult to make vibrant and distinct (in terms of colours anyway) checkbox images.

Here's a screenshot showing checkboxes I've used in the past:

And here's a file containing the checkboxes themselves... (always meant to submit these as contributions, guess there's not much point now. ;)

to justin
Please add functions that updates a shared (in-use) DLLs.
There is no good way to do it with the current NSIS version.


what about this then and this?


I tried it.
it wasn't good enough.

In what sense it's not good enough? What do you want in addition to this then?


it doesn't work properly.

Details RM, details. :confused:

it just doesn't work.

That's helpful. :mad:

It doesn't compile for you? It compiles but doesn't upgrade DLLs? It doesn't upgrade DLLs that are in use? It corrupts the DLLs? It works on W9X but not NT/2K/XP? What specifically is wrong? If you expect any kind of help, you're gonna have to be specific.

P.S. - I've been using the macro for almost 6 monthes without any problems.

it doesn't upgarde the dll.
I don't think that this macro is a good way to do this.
There are better ways, but that requires changes in the code.

Then don't use the macro, and make changes in the code and use that.


Well, NSIS 2.0 alpha 0 is convinced that my windows directory is on my C drive, which it isn't. *shrugs*