Archive: Two suggestions

Two suggestions
I had two suggestions that I think would really add to the installer. The first one is small and the second one is larger.

1) (Minor) Make the window icon configurable. We like to have a branding icon for our company in each window in the installer, but have the installer have an install type icon. If this could be a separate configurable icon, that would be great.

2) (More sizable) During the install process you can popup windows to ask questions of the user, but how about being able to have a page of check boxes or radio buttons to control the logic. The multitude of different yes / no boxes is not friendly to the user.

Love the product.


1) is more or less possible by using you own icon (command "Icon").
2) is already possible by using InstallOptions dll (check your local NSIS dir)!!!

Read the docs before posting!


1) The icon command does not do what I want. It changes all the icons used in the program. The icon of the installer, the tiny icon in the upper left corner of the window, and the bigger icon in the install windows. I want the bigger icon in the install windows to be different from the other two icons. So this is not currently supported.

2) My bad, I did not see this mentioned in docs, but will look into it.


1) Indeed, not supported right now. My mistake, didn't read that well, sorry. Try creating a patch since it's a nice idea and send it to Justin.
2) Check NSISdir\Contrib\InstallOptions. The Dll can be found in NSISdir.
