Archive: We need a basic template to aid new NSIS coders.

We need a basic template to aid new NSIS coders.
I'll admit that I'm not that skilled of a programmer, I've looked over the NSIS docs tons of times but I can't quite get the hang of it.

I simply want to make an installer for my program, but I can't quite figure it all out, if someone could post a basic template that goes as follows, I'm sure it would help out a lot of us new users.

[Program Info (Name, licence, author, etc)]
[Install Directory]
[Files to Install]
[Start Menu Integration]
[DLL files (UpdateDLL macro example) or files to install after a reboot]

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few details, but if someone could make a template that would allow us newbies to simply input the options we want, we could learn a lot from it.


Just look into your nsis directory and you will find exactly 10 examples. It is those files with the .nsi endings...

If you don't have them you have probably not selected "NSIS Examples (recommended)" when you installed NSIS (it is marked by default).

Oh, and of course:

To have a template .nsi generated to your needs, go here.
- From the docs...