- NSIS Discussion
- latest version of path extensions?
Archive: latest version of path extensions?
2nd June 2002 07:47 UTC
latest version of path extensions?
i need to add a couple items to the path of 2k/xp systems with an app (no installations will be performed on anything else), and remove them when it's uninstalled
i've seen multiple copies of the path.zip that somebody whipped up around, but i'd like to ensure i have the latest/greatest/best-documented/simplest version ;) thanks.
2nd June 2002 09:22 UTC
As far as I know, there's only one thread with path.zip attached, so download that. Check:
2nd June 2002 10:00 UTC
This is the code I use in my installer.
I think it is the same as the latest I have posted in the thread Smile2Me gave you, but here it is just to make sure.
[edit by Smile2Me]
For some strange reason, the old attachment doesn't get deleted when updated by a new one. I deleted it and posted a new message and the end of this thread.
2nd June 2002 19:48 UTC
tks ;)
2nd June 2002 20:00 UTC
the one you gave is 5786 bytes, and only has the .nsi file
the one in the thread is 4245 bytes, and has the refreshenv exe (with source) as well
which one do i use, and do i use it by including it all in my existing nsi?
2nd June 2002 21:49 UTC
The one I gave here has the latest functions. Just integrate them into your .nsi. The funcions use the refreshenv.exe so it also required. You can ignore the .nsi files in the prior threads. This is the latest.
To make this thread a complete source of all that is needed for this functions I have attached the refreshenv with source.
3rd June 2002 23:21 UTC
Section: "Uninstall"
Function: "un.StrStr"
Push: $0
Pop: $0
Push: $1
Pop: $1
Push: $2
Push: $3
Push: $4
Push: $5
StrCpy $2 "-1" () ()
StrLen $3 "$0"
StrLen $4 "$1"
IntOp: $4=$4-$3
IntOp: $2=$2+1
IntCmp $2:$4 equal=0, < 0, > StrStrReturn_notFound
StrCpy $5 "$1" ($3) ($2)
StrCmp "$5" "$0" equal=StrStr_done, nonequal=StrStr_loop
StrCpy $2 "-1" () ()
Pop: $5
Pop: $4
Pop: $3
Pop: $0
Pop: $1
Function: "un.IsNT"
Push: $0
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion
StrCmp "$0" "" equal=0, nonequal=IsNT_yes
Pop: $0
Push: 0
Pop: $0
Push: 1
Function: "un.RemoveFromPath"
Push: $1
Push: $2
Push: $3
Push: $4
Call must be used with function names starting with "un." in the uninstall section.
Usage: Call function_name | [:label_name]
Error in script "H:\install\pilot.nsi" on line 258 -- aborting creation process
3rd June 2002 23:32 UTC
tried it outside of the uninstall section as well - it would appear that it's angry about the function starting with "un." and the calling of a function that doesn't start with "un."
4th June 2002 07:35 UTC
functions called from the uninstall section should start with "un." See http://www.nullsoft.com/free/nsis/makensis.htm#CBFuncs
Check your code carefully. If you want to re-use functions in installer and uninstaller sections, use macros.
Good luck,
4th June 2002 11:52 UTC
Whoopsy... :D
Sorry about this. I use an installer as my uninstaller so I don't use un. prefixes. A fixed version will replace the old one hopefully by the end of the day.
5th June 2002 21:09 UTC
can you just simply explain what i need to do? is it just a matter of renaming the un.functions?
5th June 2002 23:42 UTC
Yes, where ever you see Call something in the uninstall section replace it with un.something. I am sorry about the delay in the uploading of the corrected version. It will be availble soon, I hope.
6th June 2002 12:15 UTC
At the request of KiCHiK, the new path.zip has been uploaded. It solves the problem described in the posts above.
Have fun,