Archive: Good InstallOptions.dll example

Good InstallOptions.dll example
Could someone post a good, fairly complex example for this contribution?

I'm trying to integrate it into .onNextPage and not really sure how to proceed to properly integrate it.

I would like it to display BEFORE the fist InstType page comes up with the different installation types. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

Please search the Forum next time. There are lots of examples. For example RegCode and this:


Thanks, and sorry for the duplicate requests.

I am looking at the example, that's what I need.

I have to admit though that the code gets unreadable very fast with this scenario. You can't nicely encapsulate each page in its own function, since .onNextPage and .onPrevPage need to know the return values from InstallOptions.dll.

Maybe as a future enhancement there would be a way to "register" functions as custom pages, or maybe add predefined callback functons (.e.g ".customPage1, .customPage2, .custompage3) where we could easily encapsulate such logic and then return a particular action (cancel, back, forward, setup) using a different Abort value?

Just a thought...I really like NSIS, but dealing with InstallOptions and properlyi integrating it with the flow of the pages makes me think fondly of InstallShield (never thought I'd say that, I'm usually not a big fan of that bloated and buggy tool...)

See if my last post (just posted) in the thread mentioned by Smile2Me helps. Might be a bit OTT though...!
