15th June 2002 13:05 UTC
little Dword trouble !
hello guys !
just little problem AFTER help reading :
i search to put WriteRegDword..but don't match .
in a .reg file here is the linees :
no trouble for HCU entry but the dword don't match ..can you help me for the syntax to use !
WriteRegDWORD HKCU Software\Mypersonnalsoft\Config ? ?
WriteRegDWORD HKCU Software\Mypersonnalsoft\Config 00001194 ? ..don't match
Thank you beforehand
15th June 2002 19:58 UTC
15th June 2002 23:17 UTC
thanks for your kick answer
with no "/" ??
WriteRegDWORD HKCU Software/Mypersonnalsoft/Config ExternalResourceFileVer 00001194
is better no ?
or really without dash WriteRegDWORD HKCU SoftwareMypersonnalsoftConfig ?
16th June 2002 00:29 UTC
final answer is
WriteRegDWORD HKCU "Software/Mypersonnalsoft/Config" "ExternalResourceFileVer" "1194 "
(without 000)
16th June 2002 01:14 UTC
Second final answer :
WriteRegDWORD HKCU "Software/Mypersonnalsoft/Config" "ExternalResourceFileVer" "4500"
In fact, it depends on the 1194 number it using base 10 or 16 ????
(WinampFr told me that second answer was the correct one..., so here it is ;) !:D
16th June 2002 10:37 UTC
Seems like the back-slashes just disappeared, that's weird...
It should be with back-slashes, and if you want it in hex you can always put 0x before the number.