Windows XP themes support in NSIS...
How can I add XP theme support resource without compiling sources ? I have no any C-compiler and I don't know C++
If I add recource into compiled EXE - it warn, because CRC breaked.
Anybody can help ?
Archive: Windows XP themes support in NSIS...
Windows XP themes support in NSIS...
How can I add XP theme support resource without compiling sources ? I have no any C-compiler and I don't know C++
If I add recource into compiled EXE - it warn, because CRC breaked.
Anybody can help ?
You can always use CRCCheck off.
XP Themes support...
But it's not good...
I want to use CRC check and XP Themes...
Anybody has modified compiled makensis 1.98 with XP themes support ?
yes.. i have.. have also been trying to make it accepts more color icons.. but no luck so far..
here the link for makensis.exe with WinXP support enabled..
download makensis.exe