Archive: shit

Heh, sorry for being away from the NSIS forum for so long guys. The bad news is that I might not be working on NSIS for a bit. The good news is that I'm working on some other stuff that's good (and work, heh). Anyway, I'm comfortable where NSIS 1.98 is, and the 2.0a0 is at least an interesting experiment. At this point though, I don't want to invest so much time into it when I don't really know where to go. Anyhoo. Peace all, and I'll be back in a few weeks I'm sure.


Hey Justin. :)

I certainly don't feel any apologies are in order for being away from NSIS/the forums.

As I've stated on several occasions, I marvel at the selflessness of yourself and any NSIS contributors, forum moderators, etc. and appreciate your time and energy. :)

Glad to hear that you're working on some 'stuff that's good', and NSIS 1.98 is certainly an excellent release.

Take care, and thank you for NSIS, and this little update.



(yeah that's right, 'Omar' was taken so I had to settle for '0mar' - I'm not trying to be l33t f001! :D)

Thanks for informing us about that Justin. It's a pitty you won't be around for a couple of weeks. But we will be glad to welcome you back if you have more time.

Thanks, CU, greetz,