CloseWindow problems again.
I have again problems with SendMessage function. I provide a little demo here:
FindWindow $R1 "TF13"
SendMessage $R1 18 0 0
if I replace 18 with 16, the SendMessage works. But my real program is designed like the demo - it minimizes instead of terminating when receives close message.
The stupid situation is that I made another install, for another program and it works fine! If I put this class "TF13" there, SendMessage don't work. Putting the other class here also don't work :cry:
Showing $R1 with messagebox tells that FindWindow founds the handle, but SendMessage fails.
If someone wants, I could provide the working install.
Please, Help!
I don't want to put a stopper in my distro if the installer provides a good way to kill the application.
Sorry for my english.