Archive: there's no $SENDTO variable?

there's no $SENDTO variable?
Installing a program I want to put a link in the SendTo folder, but NSIS doesn't have a variable for that. I know that anyone is changing this folder, and I am working with "$WINDIR\SendTo" but I was surprised it wasn't there. Is it because of something?


Try reading this from the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
Entry "SendTo"

It should be the dir you are looking for.


At least in Windows 2000 it is In "User Shell Folders", and looks like "%USERPROFILE%\SendTo" which is not very NSIS friendly...

Oops the other key is there too, the values are fully expanded.

Oh well, at least I can create that shortcut now!