29th June 2002 23:48 UTC
on the Progress Bar
I don't know how the progress bar works but, when NSIS is extracting a big file that bar doesn't move. That's very confussing because you can think that the program froze, or maybe the whole installation is just one big file and a few tiny, then NSIS can be 10 seconds showing that it's on 25% and in 1 second jump to 100%.
16th April 2004 21:11 UTC
Same here!
We notice the same with our installers since we often include large videos.
Is there anyway to change the installer to queue off of filesize instead of number of files (if that's how it works?)
Joost Verburg
16th April 2004 22:10 UTC
The progressbar represents the number of actions, the file extraction status is shown above bar.