Archive: License Agree Button width

License Agree Button width
Hi all,

I just begin to use teis excellent soft NSIS !!
I love IT :D

But ... ( becaus there is always a but ;) )
I've a little little problem with the Agree button for licensing.
I'm a french user and when i want to make a button "je suis d'accord"
The button is too short :eek: :(

So anyone can tell me if it exists one possibility to expand the button as a parameter ?
Maybe i'm too stupid to find how can i increase button width ...

If it not exist, that would be cool that a developper add this parameter ...:up: :up: :up:

Thanks for your answer.


try ! there a french version in there, doc and all sources translated ;)

feel free to mail me ;))

salut, pour plus de précision, n'hésite pas à me mailer .. Cette version est totalement en français ;)

-- sorry about this french text, i just wanted to show him that french comunity was alive (and growing :D )

ps : you have to edit sources to change its size... i don't think this would be possible by another way ;)