19th July 2002 20:12 UTC
Use of a decent UI (Such as Tahoma Font)
holy shit
man why can't u guys put a rich text control for specifying a font on the installer. i use installshield at present only because of it's UI. Maybe u can allow html code to be put to specify the font. and for hell's sake i want support for true color icons w/ many formats like 16x16 48x48 etc. that would make NSIS the best installer in the Universe. It's true, it's true.
19th July 2002 20:19 UTC
For true color icons use my mod. I will try adding support for other fonts.
You can find my mod here:
Joost Verburg
19th July 2002 22:21 UTC
You can change the font in the resource file and recompile.
22nd July 2002 03:19 UTC
Re: Use of a decent UI (Such as Tahoma Font)
Originally posted by Zero_666
holy shit
man why can't u guys put a rich text control for specifying a font on the installer. i use installshield at present only because of it's UI. Maybe u can allow html code to be put to specify the font. and for hell's sake i want support for true color icons w/ many formats like 16x16 48x48 etc. that would make NSIS the best installer in the Universe. It's true, it's true.
You're more than welcome to change those things yourself. That, or you could stop complaining.