Archive: next version enhancement from french community

some new NSISv2 features (from french community ;))

Here are some things we'ld love to get in the next version of NSIS :
* multi-language support ! This was announced for NSISv2 ! In fact, using the existing fonctions doesn't allow us to tell the installer : is the current language is french, display all strings in french, else, use english as default language ! We have to use seperated exes ! As french translator of NSIS, i could create the french file as soon as this improvement would be ready !
* easier log ability ! Both in official of french forum, users ask for log files ! As they may not have any c++ compiler, can't this be set as default ?
* some guy asked me for not to display space information ! I didn't check, but i think that if we set blank strings (well, with a space, because we don't want the default text to be used), the space values are still displayed ! In fact, when building a patch, these info are not very important ;) !

Thanks for all

Re: some new NSISv2 features (from french community ;))

Originally posted by veekee
* easier log ability ! Both in official of french forum, users ask for log files ! As they may not have any c++ compiler, can't this be set as default ?
Thanks for all [/B]
The log system is quite large, so it should not be set as default, because most people don't use it.

Hi there

I agree with veekee..
i just would like to add some features important for me

*icon full fonctionnality : ok it's almost ready but not without bug when you give a icon who are not accepted ( but in the range)...

* dynamic variable for the sectionIn

* FindWindow $0 "Title" > most explicite and more easy to use permit to close any windows.... based with the process name

Originally posted by winampfr
*icon full fonctionnality : ok it's almost ready but not without bug when you give a icon who are not accepted ( but in the range)...
Are you talking about my mod? If so what bug are you talking about? I don't understand what you mean... Every icon is accepted.

[edit]Almost forgot... Now that I have my resource editor almost done, and the dialog editor on the way localizing dialogs will be very easy. No need to recompile, and one installer can contain multiple languages. I just need to think of the fastest, simplest, and with smallest impact on the header size to do this.[/edit]

;) kichik
yeah..speak about your mod..hope his integration inside ..
but no, not all icon are accepted

(hotAmp ?? huhu try key control :)

Originally posted by winampfr
;) kichik
but no, not all icon are accepted
What do you mean?

i mean that
1) i try an icon who don't match
2) i want that your mod will be included

3) but i say on top other features to add ( not only icon things !

I don't understand your problems with the icon feature of kichik's mod. Which icons are not accepted?

Do you mean installer icon and uninsatller icon that doesn't match? To make this happen I will have to either implement my resource editor into the installer it self, or to include the uninstaller in the installer at its full size. Both of this options will make the header size grow by at least 3KBs.

I doubt this will happen...

Other features I am now working on:
1) Full color bitmaps in Enabled/DisabledBitmap (already ready, I just need to wait for Sunjammer to upload it)
2) Brand image
3) Full multilanguage support
4) Ability to change default dialog font on script compile time

I won't include logging facilty as the default option... The header size grows by 2KB because of this and people rarly use it.

I will try to do something about that space required thingy...

Do you want anything else? I am open for suggestions :D

yeaaaar, that's great !
I know that there has always been a huge discution about logging ! No matter... i will prepare a log-compiled exe for the french distrib ;)
About multi-language, feel free to contact me for the french stuff (even if i may be away 'til 28th july ;) ... holidays :D)
Great job... really :D