Archive: Can't build NSIS but need to change switches (such as logging)?

Can't build NSIS but need to change switches (such as logging)?
[edit]can't any more[/edit]

I've seen a lot of people want to turn logging on and/or other switches in NSIS but who don't have the ability to compile NSIS and so can't do this.

I am more than happy to build versions of NSIS with various switches changed and host them on my archive site (not as offical downloads obviously, they will be well marked as "built by me" rather than Justin)..

If this is a crap idea just tell me so ;)

(btw I would not be offering any support for these versions, all I would be doing is changing switches in the nsis configuration header file and rebuilding the code then hosting the binary, not a full download of NSIS).

Therefore if anyone wants such a build please email or PM me and I will host a version with the switches you desire.


thanks for this great offer. Your support will be rewarded by making this post a sticky on the Forum. Besides that I closed the topic to encourage people to visit the NSIS Archive and post comments there.

Thx, greetz,