23rd July 2002 16:56 UTC
only prompt for directory on new install?
Is it possible to show the details screen (and specifically the install directory) in certain situations?
A registry entry is made on the first install, and subsequent installs check to see if it is there to determine if it is an upgrade.
We'd like to be able to only prompt for the directory on a new install, and not prompt for a directory on an 'upgrade' (i.e., they are installing over an existing installation).
I'd like to be able to set the "InstallSilent" to "silent" if the registry key exists, or "normal" if the registry key doesn't exist.
Any ideas?
23rd July 2002 17:55 UTC
Have a look at the .onNextPage and .onPrevPage callback functions. You can skip pages with them.
23rd July 2002 19:47 UTC
But, is it possible to do a "SilentInstall silent" in the upgrade case, and a regular install ("SilentInstall normal") in the case of a new install?
I.e. I don't want to display anything except an "Upgrade complete" msgbox when they are upgrading. But, I do want to display the directory location when they are doing a new install.
23rd July 2002 19:58 UTC
You can't set silent mode on run time. What you can do is use an outer program to call the installer with the /S switch which will make it silent.
Now that I think about it, there is no reason that there will be an option to set if the installer is silent or not in .onInit... I will add this option in my next version.
23rd July 2002 20:29 UTC
On second thought, I better not... It would break too many script if I do it. The /S command line switch is enough.