Archive: GetDLLVersionLocal ?

GetDLLVersionLocal ?
Hi guys,

i'm looking for a way to embed version info in the Caption or Name strings, specificaly, i'm building an installer for a com dll, and would like to have the dll version appear in the title bar of the installer.

Is this feasible with GetDLLVersionLocal ?

the compiler says i can't do it 'coz function calls are forbidden outside Sections and Functions. I suppose that means i'm stuck.

Is something like this planned for a future release ?

Thanks to u all


PS : 'scuse my lousy english ...

Make another installer that will compile your script. The other installer will first call GetDLLVersionLocal and then call makensis to compile your script with a line switch telling your script the version (either /XOutFile "whatever", /XName "whatever" or /DVERSION "whatever" and then use ${VERSION} in the title bar)

That is real smart ;)

Now i know what it feels like to be the sucker who didn't think about it before...

Big thanks and all that sort of things...
