Archive: Nsis-gui

Hello friends,

is anyone really interrest to start a OpenSource NSIS-GUI project ?

A few things...

- What do you mean exactly? A replacement/enhanced GUI for the installer itself, or a text editor for NSIS scripts maybe with development & word processor type features & wizards & help lookup, and/or something that integrates compilation of NSIS, or do you mean just a sort of wizardy thing, maybe WYSIWYG style editor ... like I said what do you mean?

- Have you considered if what you are proposing is being done already/has already been done? there are quite a lot of NSIS gui tools out there already (although I have only seen one that I personally believe is good enough to use (NSIS Workbench)).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to spoil your party, I just want to make sure of what you intend and that it is worth your while, and I'm just curious to know if you maybe have something to say that I really didn't expect :p

Hmm I guess there is the fact that NSIS Workbench is not open source (at least I don't think it is). I'd be willing to work on an open source project like this as long as it's goals were set out in advance and clearly justified the effort (and that we weren't just duplicating existing effort). The other problem for me is that the real work in NSIS is the scripting and you can't really aid that much with a GUI, it's very installation specific, (and yes I know you can provide context sensitive help etc etc but these don't help actually code a solution to a problem) and so for the amount of work required is a GUI necessary?

Hello Sunjammer,

i would like to start a OpenSource GUI project that really help to write NSIS installation scripts.

I have see the NSIS Workbench too, and a lot others. But what i want is:

-OpenSource, because NSIS is OpenSource
-should be better than the competitors (WISE, InnoSetup...)
-should be able to create installer from compiler-projects: example: from a ".dsp"-file (VC++ project file)

I think to add these (and more features) we must code NSIS-extensions.

I think the right compiler/language is VC++ with MFC.

I know that that is a lot of work and a hard work, but i think when there are enough people that works.

-should be able to create installer from compiler-projects: example: from a ".dsp"-file (VC++ project file)
What are you getting at with this? Seems to me that this would be very dependent on the user of the program having build tools on their system, and given the number of posts on this forum about people who use Borland having trouble building NSIS at all I'd think this is an extremely ambitious idea... too ambitious maybe.

Also a .dsp file is a VC++ specific thing, it would be more acceptable from a .mak file (exported from the NSIS .dsp) and more developer setups would be able (with a lot of kicking) to invoke a make tool to build NSIS. Still seems like a recipe for trouble :)

I'm going to sit back and see what other people make of what you've said, I'm a little ... dubious.

Hello Sunjammer,

-should be able to create installer from compiler-projects: example: from a ".dsp"-file (VC++ project file)

Yes you are right, that is a extremely ambitious idea. But i think that is what a lot of people miss. A long time ago, as i started with codeing, under VB that was there aviable. That is one idea of a lot of ideas. The question is what is practicable.

I think first we must plan out the project, and we must look what is practicable and what must we do for that.

First we must found coders... and then we must discuss about what we would like to implement.

this is a good idea.

I'll help as much as I can.

I would prefer Delphi as the programmin language because it's easy and it's 50 times faster than VB.

Hello R@m00n,

I would prefer Delphi as the programmin language because it's easy and it's 50 times faster than VB.
Why do you think we would like to use VB? I would like to code in VC++ with MFC, because i don't can code in Delphi. But we can combine the two languages with dll's and windows-messages.

What do you think about what we should implement (and how) and how to start the project?

SourceForge is a good way to go for an open source project with a few or more people working on it... but might be a bit much if the work is truly separated so people don't overlap and people aren't used to SourceForge.

Hello Sunjammer,

You are right, and i have see SourceForge, but:

-we must save that we would like to start that project
-we must know the name of our project and these things...

When we are ready, then we go SourceForge.

Hello friends,

is nobody isterested to have a good GUI for NSIS? And nobody would like to start a OpenSource NSIS-GUI project?

Sincerely Fiffi


I would really like to hav a GUI.
It should have Syntax-highlight, MakeNSISW included and a Wizard.

If it's in Delphi, then I'll help to create it.

I've already a good syntax-hightlighting component and it shouldn't be a problem to set it up for NSIS.

Ramon :up: :)

Although i'm a c++ coder (i began last year, and i don't think i've enough skill to really help..... well, i don't know) ! As a french translator, i'ld like to be on this project to develop multi-language section ! I don't know if i'm able to help developping multi-language code (i'll surely try), but i'ld at least like making french pack !
Well, this message a bit confusing ! I hope you'll have understood it's meaning ;) :D

And about GUI's name, everybody would surely propose some : here is mine ;)

hmmmmm... hope this don't have other strange meanings in english :D !

It could have been worse, you could have suggested G-Spot ;-)
What made you suggest the word spot?

because of G-Spot of course :D !

Hello friends,

:up:OK, we start the project !!! I think the name could be "NSIS-Studio", what think you? I mean "N-Spot" resp. "G-Spot" is not the right name for a "Installer-Wizard...". What mean the other?

Think i right that we are 4 people: veekee, R@m00n, Sunjammer and me?!

Questions to Veekee: What version of MS-VC++ do you use? Can you programm with the use of MFC? What have you programm since last year?
Are you able to programm: file I/O, string manipualtion?

Questions to R@m00n: What do you think about that you programm the "Wizard" (Step by Step to a standard installer) in Delphi? How operates your syntax-highlighting?

Questions to Sunjammer: Are you able to change some-things (only when needed) in the source of NSIS? Would you like to contribute full or only help at some things?

Questions to all: have anyone experiences with SourceForge / CVS? Because we need a "project-place" at SourceForge with this things:

-a little homepage
-a forum for user-wishes, bugs...
-a mailing-list for our
-a documentaition about
-a "CVS-system" for our source-code
-a FTP-Server for uploading our software

Until Now i don't have used CVS. Whould anyone like to admin our project at SourceForge or/and a little homepage or/and the documentation...

my suggestion to the responsibility assignment:
veekee and i programm the main-application.
R@m00n prgramm plugins (external extensions to NSIS and extensions to our main-application) and/or admin our project at SourceForge. Sunjammer programm some changes at the NSIS-source.


Now each one must think/plan about our application, some clues:
(i think each one should post a file..)
- what do you think about three modes: easy/wizard, standard, hardcore

easy/wizard: step by step to a standard/easy istallation (and a "SFX"/Winzip-SFX-style with an shell extension to direct creation from folders in the explorer...) (save in the standard-mode-file-format)

standard: create a installation with a lot of properties-pages and dialogs... (We save/load i a different file-format to NSIS, because it's easier)

hardcore: script-editor with syntax-highlighting...

what things we would like to implement that at tis time not in NSIS 1.98?

Fiffi :D :)

Nsis Source
Yes I can change NSIS source (see my latest post about a change I've recently made :D). I have VC++6 at home running on Windows 2K.

Rainwater, myself and KiCHiK all have some experience with SourceForge, and KiCHiK and I certainly have *some* experience with CVS, me personally I don't have much but I'm learning fast.

I don't have a lot of time I'm afraid but I will help if I can.

Hello Sunjammer,

Thank you very much for your help.

At this moment i don't have the overview if changes in the NSIS-source are required, but if requiered then i reply to you.

About the SourceForge and CVS: i would like to wait for veekee and R@m00n.


I use VC++ 6 !
I studied C and C++ at school last year, but we stopped before GUI lessons :D ! The only online source i made is a zip2exe modification (not really proud of it : my code seems soo bad compared to the other's code) !
What about MFC... is it library manipulation (like string class ...) ? I never used it, but string class ... :( !
I've still used string and file I/O functions ! a matter of fact, i may not be able to be a GREAT help in this project !
By the way, i have beta testing skills :D :p ;) !

Hello friends and future users of our N²E,

we start to develop a script editor and wizard for NSIS!

Please help us at planing the layout ,functions...: please describe what you think about...

Thank you very much for your help!


I think it would be a good idea from the ground up to attempt to design an editor that can handle the fast changing nature of NSIS, i.e. :-

Other ideas:-There are many more ideas... I'll write em down as I think of em.

Hello Sunjammer,

don't make the syntax highlighter use a fixed set of keywords
Allow bold or italic options in syntax highlighting in addition to just setting the colour.
Provide a way to set the list of file extensions that will be syntax highlighted. That way people can use the editor to quickly open say an INI file or a C file that they need to find something in whilst they work on their NSI file, and it won't come up in strange colours as the syntax highlighting engine struggles with a non NSI file.
Yes we do this via a config-file for syntax-highlighting
don't hardcode a link to the documentation helpfile (remember recently the directory structure was refined by Rainwater)
I don't know what you mean with that directory structure and the hardcore link.
how about providing the option to remember multiple NSIS installation directories for people who run with more than one version installed?
Do you think we need that?
Make EVERY text string in the program go through a function to lookup the string in the correct language, and I mean EVERY string that is displayed to the user (except edited text of course )
Yes we do this via a textfile for each language
What do you think about wizards, text/script-blocks, little helper dialogs...?

Thank you very much for your suggestions!


I don't know what you mean with that directory structure and the hardcore link
I saw one editor that had a help menu that linked to the nsis html file, but if u moved the file it broke the menu, so newer NSIS distro's didn't work with the editor help menu.

Do you think we need that?
I won't use the editor to do compilation if it doesn't have the option, and I find the integration of compilation to be one of the best features of an NSIS editor, IMO. If I'm developing for NSIS I have the latest release version, plus my dev version. Frequently I compile scripts under both using separate dos windows but I'd prefer to do it in the editor really, a quick switch (like an optional drop box on the tool bar) to switch between them would be cool.

[edit]thinking about it this is very specific to the way I work, and is developer oriented rather than toward a typical user... so you can probably scratch the idea.

What do you think about wizards, text/script-blocks, little helper dialogs?
Yup good idea especially for new people, but you need to make wizards useful, rather than a wizard for blocks of code that are very problem specific. I vote you make the required wizards better rather than devote time to making more wizards than required (again a side shot at an existing editor :p)...

Hello Sunjammer,

saw one editor that had a help menu that linked to the nsis html file, but if u moved the file it broke the menu, so newer NSIS distro's didn't work with the editor help menu.
I think all these things must be variable via cinfig-files...

multiple NSIS versions
I think to implement this is not a lot of work, i implement that.

(again a side shot at an existing editor )...
down: I don't copy an existing editor, i only think what is useful.

Fiffi:D :) :down:

First of all, sorry for my poor english, i'm from spain.

My idea is to make de nsis documentation in xml format. With this xml file you can create the html help using a parser, and the application can parse this xml and get all the information about functions, events... And always be up to date simply by replacing this xml file. The gui can use this xml to create the help, sintax highlighting, code completion, ...

Am I right in saying that an XSL style sheet could be used to transform the XML into HTML? So a user would just load the help up in their browser as normal, but a computer program could read the underlying XML data easily and obtain useful function information... if that's possible it's a good idea in my book.

Hello Sunjammer and LsMoNKi,

sorry but i don't know anything about XML and XSL, i can only write (/programm) pure HTML. :( :cry:

Can you two please explain me (a pure beginner in webdesign...) what do you exact mean and explain me a little bit how to marry my VC++ and your XML/XSL? :D :up:

Thank you!


If that doesn't make sense someone else had better try and explain it :)

Not a bad explain ;)
Can you directly open the xml file in your browser? I don't know how a xsl works

I believe so because the XML file links to the XSL file (there is a standard syntax for this I believe, it may even be possible to embed the XSL but I don't think that's the preferred solution) and so IE (and other browsers?) can handle the XML by finding and applying the XSL it refers to.

Hello Sunjammer and LsMoNKi,

basicly i understanded what you want/mean. But i am not able to create XML/XSL - files from the HTML-file. When anyone create the XML/XSL - files from the HTML-file then i try to implement it in N²E.

Thank you for your help!


I didn't expect you to ;) - Someone with more knowledge of XML than me would need to do that (well I can find out how if needs be) and an appropriate structure for the XML would need to be defined... that would probably take a couple of attempts. It's a good little side project for anyone who's interested (if I get time I'll attempt this).

has anyone look at NSIS WOrkbench, or Slate Blue? Slate Blue is open source, VB :P

Workbench is delphi tho, maybe ask him.

search the forums for the answers.

Some info I made about both products a while back :-

well, if the help file is rewritten in XML, it may replace the original HTML one in the NSIS pack... :D !
The only problem is that old browser are not able to understand XML language :( :( :( !

The XML file would still be valuable if we were to distribute with NSIS the HTML generated from the XML because the XML can be parsed more easily by computer programs. It's common for programs to distribute files in different formats, we have an even better excuse in this case since the XML format isn't just meant as an alternative format for humans to read as would a PDF be for example. Distributing both would solve the old browser problem and provide the XML benefits at the same time.

Most developers have recent browsers anyway :D

Few Internet browsers have full support for XSL at the moment.
Internet Explorer 5 is Bad
XSL in Internet Explorer 5 is NOT compatible with the official W3C XSL Recommendation.

When Internet Explorer 5.0 was released in March 1999, the XSL standard was still a W3C Working Draft.

Since the final W3C XSL Recommendation is different from the Working Draft, the support for XSL in IE 5 is not 100% compatible with the official XSL standard.

This restriction applies to both IE 5.0 and IE 5.5.
Internet Explorer 6 is Better
Internet Explorer 6 fully supports the official W3C XSL Recommendation.

The XML Parser 3.0 - shipped with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Windows XP - is based on both the W3C XSLT 1.0 and the W3C XPath 1.0 Recommendations.
Netscape 6
Netscape 6 isn't fully supporting the official W3C XSL Recommendation.
Internet Explorer MSXML Parser
MSXML Parser 2.0 is the XML parser that is shipped with IE 5.0.

MSXML Parser 2.5 is the XML parser that is shipped with Windows 2000 and IE 5.5.

MSXML Parser 3.0 is the XML parser that is shipped with IE 6.0 and Windows XP.

According to Microsoft, the MSXML Parser 3.0 is 100% compatible with the official W3C XSL Recommendation: "MSXML 3.0 offers a significant advancement over MSXML 2.5: server-safe HTTP access, complete implementation of XSLT and XPath, changes to SAX (Simple API for XML), higher conformance with W3C standards, and a number of bug fixes."

Hello LsMoNKi,

i am thinking about the best technique to implement the NSIS-script-help. My problem is that i don't know anything about XML/XSL.

Is anywhere a MS-VC++ example which uses XML/XSL? Or can you help me?

Thank you for your help!


I'm new in xml/xsl too. Maybe somebody can help you.

However a good point to start is Expat, a xml parser library written in c.

Archive: Nsis-gui

Originally posted by Sunjammer
Some info I made about both products a while back :-
i just love the review of Slate Blue, very heartwarming to see such nice words about my product :)

i guess it is to be assumed that people would say this, because Slate Blue is, as you so succinctly put it, 'unfinished'.


As an unfinished program there was quite a bit for me to comment on and I guess some if not all of the points I raised would be addressed if there were to be another version.You've written something bigger & better for NSIS than I have so I felt a little guilty reading that page again but after downloading and playing with Slate Blue once more I can't really fault what I said.

Maybe the comments I made will be of interest to anyone who develops a new NSIS editor or similar program. On that front I think people interested in writing a new editor *should* download and try Slate Blue because it has a few interesting ideas, the NSIS dll that can be used for compilation for example.

i think sometime i may finish up Slate Blue, but in Delphi rather than VB.

one thing that I find interesting is that Workbench uses almost all premade components, that comes with sytax coloring, etc etc, while I had to write mine from scratch. of course it'll be a little buggy :)

and i do think that should someone decide to write a new GUI, they should look at both GUI's out there to gain some good ideas. the DLL is kind of a moot point, however, because it is rarely updated (or was when I was writing SB).

no harm done really :) i take all the comments, negative or positive, as a way to improve my software.

look for a new version out before years' end i hope :)

As N²E 's developpment has just began, we try to get ideas about features !
The first thing we've done was to see all existing editors (StateBlue, Workbench, NSISplus...) and get their good and bad things... we'll of course get the *best* of them :D ;)
We'll try to bring new features too :)

There's another editor called Venis and yet another called NSIS Assistant.

The only reason that the NSIS Workbench isn't open source is that it
uses commercial components, some don't have freeware alternatives of
the same quality although one or two could be changed to freeware
components/coded by hand.

Not sure if aiming to create a rival for innosetup
never mind Wise/Installshield is realistic, definitely can't imagine
it being better (partly due to NSIS "shortcomings" like installing
locked files), but I suppose aim high! To get anywhere near to
rivalling them it needs to be run both in editor and gui/wizard mode
and be able to swap between the two modes as required, not easy.

Also creating an open source app is good but the reason "because NSIS
is" isn't IHO. Finally of course one person writing an app is one
thing coordinating a group of coders is a completely different
ball game requiring a lot of planning and documentation.


Sunjammer, I've just seen your page, glad you like the Workbench. Also liked your comment "hmm looks cute, I bet it's useless" :-) But cute and useful must have done something right!

Not sure if aiming to create a rival for innosetup
never mind Wise/Installshield is realistic, definitely can't imagine
it being better
I'm not sure that it needs to be like them to be better, personally I can't stand InstallShield and it's user interface and wizards. I think the reason NSIS attracts some people is just that, it *isn't* InstallShield. As for the others, well I've never used InnoSetup so I can't comment, but I can't remember seeing a Wise installer I liked the appearance of (mind I can't remember one giving me any trouble either).

partly due to NSIS "shortcomings" like installing
locked files
At least with an open source app we have the ability to correct these shortcomings. Admittedly this is no use to people who have no coding ability or no interest in being a coder.

It's nice to see some opinions that are different however, most of what has been said so far has been by people agreeing one way or another :D

As for NSIS Workbench, yeah I liked it. The sign of a good app is one I actually find myself using, NSIS Workbench made the grade on that test.

Originally posted by mkeeley
Also creating an open source app is good but the reason "because NSIS
is" isn't IHO.
of course not, but open source would be nice. and i'm sure we could get a hold of the components you used :) legally, of course.

but, whatever you wanna do man, it's your software.

good work, btw :)

I could try and remove as much of the commercial components as I can but by the sounds of it people like the idea of starting their own project from scratch, and why not.

I haven't quite worked out what the aim for the new project is other than aiming to be a rival for... If it's a similar type of program to the Workbench then that, whilst not pointless, seems a bit of a waste of coding effort and trying to get mine open source but requiring certain commercial components to be able to develop it isn't such a bad idea. If the project is more ambitious which would really mean a two way editor/gui in the same way as Wise then that's something that would need to be started from scratch.

One final comment is that I think work needs to be done on the NSIS installers GUI, the bit the user sees. Unless things have changed then it looks practically the same as it always had. When it was first released it looked OK but these days looks distinctly old fashioned and I personally wouldn't use it for anything other than distributing freeware. Definately could do with a make over (unless someones done, this haven't kept up to date with the forum recently).


As of the NSIS 2 KiCHiK branch you have XP styling, replaceable dialogs, and I believe he and Rainwater (think it was Rainwater) are sposedly working on some kind of InstallShield look. I've seen some very tasty looking dialogs (or at least images of) posted on this forum recently using KiCHiK's changes so I think things are either better than you think, or else you just really hate the NSIS style :)

The customisable GUI is good news, not sure I've found the screenshots you're referring to though. The default interface is the main reason I'm not using NSIS and therefore why I've not really considered doing a Workbench+

If it's the set of pages and the controls that are on them that you don't like you won't be impressed 'cause although you can tailor and add to what is there thru resource hacking the NSIS underneath still expects the same controls.

Hard to say without seeing an example, but if they look fairly similar to the latest Wise/Installshield versions then that would be fine. Even little things like not having Cancel as the first button would be a start though. I know changing minor things like that are easy enough, assuming you have VC++, but you shouldn't really have to.

I'm working with KiCHiK on an interface like InstallShield/Windows Installer. :D

If it's the set of pages and the controls that are on them that you don't like you won't be impressed 'cause although you can tailor and add to what is there thru resource hacking the NSIS underneath still expects the same controls.
It's now possible to add new elements to the dialogs (which can be controlled by the script).

This new UI should be ready very soon ;)


You have been discussing about a frontend I think that I have a brilliant idea ;-).

All the "front-ends" that I have seen for NSIS are just better text editors, loaded with more-and-more functionality suited for NSIS script developing.

How about a "Object Oriented" front end, where the user gets to see the different stages of the installer (say a tabbed interface) where he gets to type in the necessary modification for the different texts, looks, etc.

e.g: if, say, he chooses "XP style" on, the the picture changes from the default look to a "XP style" image.

What this does is that it gives a wizard-like appeareance to the "front-end". This will make users switch from the easy-to-use interfaced installers to NSIS !!! Yay !!!

The script editor also will have to be a part of this "NSIS Designer" so that any modifications in the settings in one place will reflect in the script in the script editor, kinda like ISTool for innosetup.

How 'bout that idea !!!
- Shantanu

Hello friends,

Sorry for the late reply, but i was in holiday.

This evening i reply...


include a general presentation of the project... features could be added then, for future version (:D) !

-- most important --
Needed developers:
Base skills:
-good skills at MS-VC++ and MFC

Additional(, but we need one person with this skills...) skills:
-UNICODE (and when the application is not complete UNICODE...)
-CVS at soucreforge...

NSIS Editor - Venis 1.0.3
Hello everyone,

I have just added a new feature to Venis so now I can say it is more than just a text editor.

I added a new MessageBox Wizard. I designed the dialog for future use, if I get positive feedback.

To use the MessageBox Wizard, you drag the new "MessageBox Wizard" icon to the line of your choosing in your NSIS code. Then when you drop the MessageBox wizard (let go of the mouse click), a MessageBox Wizard appears.

The MessageBox Function Wizard will put the function arguments together for you. The text message for the message box will be properly quoted using the first logical quote that was not used in the message in this order: ", ', `. The Select button allows you to select one message box option at a time. Each option is appended to the current options. Return checks are selected in the same fashion. At any time you may press the F1 key to open the makensis.htm file to the specified MessageBox section.

Please check it out and give me some feedback.



Originally posted by LsMoNKi
I'm new in xml/xsl too. Maybe somebody can help you.

However a good point to start is Expat, a xml parser library written in c.
/me downloads :)

What I would like to see in this project is a UI/IO designer. To edit the UI you can use my CResourceEditor and CDialogTemplate classes, they are fairly simple (I think :D), all you have to do is add the UI wrapper around it to create a designer. I would also want a simple mode that hides all of the wizard stuff.

If any help is needed with anything, I am always here. ;)

Good luck with this project! I hope it will live long and prosper :D

Hello kichik,

Please explain me what you exact mean with a "UI/IO designer".

Then we try to add this feature/wizard into N²E.

And can you please send me your classes?

Good luck with this project! I hope it will live long and prosper :D
Thank you very much! :D



Links to the latest versions of KiCHiKs classes in the NSIS 2K CVS.

UI - User Interface (ChangeUI with NSIS).
IO - Install Options.

My idea is to have a good guy editor (like VC resource editor) that will edit/create UIs for NSIS, or IO INI files.

Hello Sunjammer,

the files they i get, when i click on your links, are HTML formated soucrefiles.
Can you please send me the files per email?

Thank you!


Why you lazy ... :P (sending em to you now)

[edit]For future reference that html page had a download link at the top in case you didn't notice... and I sent you CVS links in an effort to encourage you to use CVS :D - I've emailed them to your SF team address since your you've disabled your email address in your forum profile[/edit]

Hello Kichik, Sunjammer and Ximon,

i not really lazy! :D

When i click on the links, my InternetExplorer open a dialog box and ask me where to save the files. And when i then open the downloaded files, that are HTML formated files.

Have you an little example which use the classes?

Thank you!


Search for CResourceEditor and CDialogTemplate in script.cpp. There are a lot of examples in there :D

BTW, Ximon is Sunjammer ;)

I was talking about a NSIS designer...with a frontend. Here is a sample I hav done using VB :(

As of now, the "NSIS Designer" does nothing, it's just a sample feel of how the actual "NSIS Designer" could be.

You will require the "standard VB runtimes" and the "tabctl32.ocx" to get this piece of software running :)