Leaving you...
Hi all,
all good things come to an end. Unfortunately, I will not have time enough in the future to continue my work for the NSIS community. My new job, another Forum that I should admin and mod as part of this new job and changes in personal life made me decide that I should hand over my modding rights to a good successor.
I have chosen KiCHiK to be my successor. The reasons might be clear, but let's write some of them down. KiCHiK
- helped me out modding this Forum when I was away.
- has a lot of experience with NSIS.
- knows all about scripting in NSIS.
- works actively on developing NSIS.
- knows a lot about C.
I proposed him to be accepted as a new mod in the family of mods and nobody was against it. But actually, no action has been taken by the Forum admin (Steve) to replace me by KiCHiK.
So there you have it, I cannot mod due to lack of time and KiCHiK cannot mod due to lack of rights (as explained here).
Don't blame it on me that there is no moderator right now! I addressed the topic on 26-7 but nothing has happened since (apart from approving reactions from other mods). I hope this situation will be solved very, very soon.
Thanks all for the nice contributions you have made on this Forum to help other people out. Please continue doing so. Some nice things have been developed already and I would love to see that NSIS will grow even further by the contributions of the whole NSIS community.
Don't forget, enjoy the smile,
wherever you are.
Have fun, greetz,
-Hendri Adriaens.