Archive: splash screen [fading in alpha trans]

splash screen [fading in alpha trans]
ok, after hacking with the magicLime option, i went the route of alpha transparency fading in..

it fades in from 0-100% for 1/2 the time allocated, and displays for the second half of allocated time

it uses some nasty wParam as an hDc [WM_PAINTCLIENT does this] so there are warnings

this does NOT do magicLime as well [what i was attempting to do] but is a nice fade effect that works on OS's that support it [winNT and above i believe]

let me know..

a very nice effect in winXP, the splash does not show at all on win98 though. Other than that it looks very good

hmm.. if its not showing in 98 at all i'll try modify it now to display fade on XP and 2k and normal on other OS's


i do know that alpha effects only became available with NT 4.0
even though the documentation on MSDN says 98 and higher

well that didn't take long

works on NT, 98, XP Pro and a few other Windows versions i've tested

let me know..

I just tried it on win95b at work, and I get an error which says 'The FADESPLASH.EXE file is linked to missing export USER32.DLL:Animate.' I'll try it on 98 and XP when I get home (in about 10 hours :) ) and let you know.


OK, make that 34 hours :)

It does work perfectly on win98 and XP here, so the problem only appears to be with windows 95 (It doesn't fade with win98, it does show though, as you'll know :) )


i have it checking for XP 2k and NT.. anything else whould just show


You can use the /DELAYLOAD linker option to avoid that error at startup.

Either that or load it manually at runtime using LoadLibrary then use GetProcAddress to bind to the functions that you need, but the /DELAYLOAD option is cleaner and effectively just causes the operating system to do exactly the same on your behalf :)