6th August 2002 19:08 UTC
splash screen [fading in alpha trans]
ok, after hacking with the magicLime option, i went the route of alpha transparency fading in..
it fades in from 0-100% for 1/2 the time allocated, and displays for the second half of allocated time
it uses some nasty wParam as an hDc [WM_PAINTCLIENT does this] so there are warnings
this does NOT do magicLime as well [what i was attempting to do] but is a nice fade effect that works on OS's that support it [winNT and above i believe]
let me know..
6th August 2002 22:27 UTC
a very nice effect in winXP, the splash does not show at all on win98 though. Other than that it looks very good
6th August 2002 23:57 UTC
hmm.. if its not showing in 98 at all i'll try modify it now to display fade on XP and 2k and normal on other OS's
i do know that alpha effects only became available with NT 4.0
even though the documentation on MSDN says 98 and higher
7th August 2002 04:39 UTC
well that didn't take long
works on NT, 98, XP Pro and a few other Windows versions i've tested
let me know..
7th August 2002 08:21 UTC
I just tried it on win95b at work, and I get an error which says 'The FADESPLASH.EXE file is linked to missing export USER32.DLL:Animate.' I'll try it on 98 and XP when I get home (in about 10 hours :) ) and let you know.
8th August 2002 19:40 UTC
OK, make that 34 hours :)
It does work perfectly on win98 and XP here, so the problem only appears to be with windows 95 (It doesn't fade with win98, it does show though, as you'll know :) )
9th August 2002 12:54 UTC
i have it checking for XP 2k and NT.. anything else whould just show
9th August 2002 13:01 UTC
You can use the /DELAYLOAD linker option to avoid that error at startup.
9th August 2002 13:07 UTC
Either that or load it manually at runtime using LoadLibrary then use GetProcAddress to bind to the functions that you need, but the /DELAYLOAD option is cleaner and effectively just causes the operating system to do exactly the same on your behalf :)