Archive: Help! Help! Help!

Help! Help! Help!
I have quite a problem. I have a desire to write a large Mod for a game called Baulders Gate II : Shadows of Amn. To this end I thought it would be a good idea to download and experiment with one of the large Mods already out there. So, off I went to and downloaded a huge file (The Darkest Day - 309 meg). When I attempted to run the tdd103full.exe, I got a message indicating the verification had failed, and that I could try again using the /NCRC switch. So I did this (and took note of the installer - NullSoft Install System v1.98). The installer started, created a backup folder and moved several files to it. Then, once it began to uncompress the first file it failed and gave me a message indicating that it was an installer problem. So, I restarted it and when I got to the install options part this time I only selected a small simple part to install, instead of the full Mod. As soon as it began to uncompress it failed, and I got the same message about a possible installer problem. Since it was a different file than failed the first time it seemed likely that it was actually an installer problem. I won't go through all the trials and tribulations of downloading a 300M file with a 56K connection, or the failed attempts which all add up to more like 750M, but I'm sure you can imagine. Anyway, with several days into this, I didn't want to give up, and I didn't want to start over (cough). So, I went to Nullsoft and downloaded the installer v1.98 and the extras in hope that I could somehow pull the .exe apart and either peel the installer portion off and replace it, or at least decompress the actual files and manually install them myself. I have studied programming a fair amount, and I couldn't see any way this was doable after reading through the documentation, but I don't know much about installers either, and I've never had much luck decompiling an exe anyway. So, back to fileplanet I went.
This time (with a little creativity) I was able to use NetVampire and download the whole thing in one shot - only 17 hours this time. Would you care to guess what happened? Yep, exactly the same thing - verification failed, used the /NCRC switch, failed with installer message, etc.... Well, to say I am unhappy is a fair understatement. To compound the problem I am moving in a couple of days and won't have access to the internet for awhile (one of the reasons I am downloading things to work on).
Anyway, now that you know the background of my problem, here are my questions.
1) Is there in fact any way to pull apart this .exe I have using NSIS? (or VB5 which is about all I currently have)
2) Could I somehow use another instance of the installer over the one in the .exe?
3) Is there any way to extract the actuall files themselves.
4) Does anybody else have any suggestions?
Thanx b.

The usage of the /NCRC is, like mentioned in the message box itself, not recommended. If you have downloaded twice and it failed twice there are three options:
1) The message box is right and you have a virus, or a failing disk. [edit]On second thought, if you managed to install NSIS this can't be reason...[/edit]
2) The file it self is corrupted. I really doubt this one because the people that have created this mod would have picked on that kind of thing a long time ago.
3) Your internet connection is not reliable. Try talking to your ISP after testing the above two.

If the installer itself can't read its own data I doubt any outer utility would be able to do it.