How to use /D switch
I'm racking my brain trying to pass variables dynamically to my script at compile time using the /D switch, but it does not seem to work at all,
"C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis.exe" Sales_Audit_02.50-Latest_CD_Image.nsi /DROOT_DIRECTORY="C:\TEMP" /DSALES_AUDIT_VERSION="02.50-Latest"
If my script I have references to those 2 variables (ROOT_DIRECTORY, SALES_AUDIT_VERSION) but they never seem to be picking up those values, e.g.
OutFile "Sales_Audit_${SALES_AUDIT_VERSION}_CD_Image.exe"
File /r "${ROOT_DIRECTORY}\*.*"
It only works if I hardcode those variables in the script, e.g.
!define ROOT_DIRECTORY "E:\CD-ROM Images\02.50_LATEST"
!define SALES_AUDIT_VERSION "02.50-Latest"
...but that is exactly what I want to avoid, as I have the same script that needs to be repeatedly run against different directories.
help! what am I doing wrong here?
I'm on 2.0a2