Archive: Quote Problem

Quote Problem
I am trying to insert a registry entry that requires quotes and I am not able to get it to work.
here is an example of the registry string I am trying to add

WriteRegStr HKCR "RDP.File\shell\Connect\command\" "" "mstsc.exe "%l""

whenever I add the "%1" it doesn't work... but if I have %1 it will create the installer but the registry entry doesn't work.

any help would be great

Just use a single quote to quote the whole string... Please read the docs first next time.

I wish it was that easy...
I used single quotes, it shows up correctly in the registry but it doesn't work correctly. It has to be double quotes

so use :
WriteRegStr HKCR 'RDP.File\shell\Connect\command\' '' 'mstsc.exe "%l"' ;) :D

That Worked Thanks!!!