Archive: Language Problem??

Language Problem??
The Lisence Text can not be shown normally, look at the attached image file. I have set the language id to Simplified Chinese in the nlf file. What's more the SetFont function can not set fonts named Chinese :(


Who Cares? :(

help me, plz...

The people who care are asleep in those hours :D

Have you tried loading an RTF into the license data and changing the font in the RTF to a Chinese font?

You are already the second person that tells me that he can't set the font to a font with a MB chars name. Please compile a simple installer that just sets the font and send it to the E-Mail address I PMed you.

Thanks for your reply.
The compiled file has been sent out, please check it.

RTF doesn't work neither...

I will see what I can do the moment I get your file.


This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim).

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
This message has been rejected because it has
a potentially executable attachment "example1.exe"
This form of attachment has been used by
recent viruses or other malware.
If you meant to send this file then please
package it up as a zip file and resend it.
If you didn't mean to send this file, and you are
using microsoft outlook, you are probably infected.
Please stop using outlook, it is inherently insecure
and you are generating lots of wasted bandwidth and
support headackes by using it, and you are jeopardizing
your files and your data
Please seriously consider using another mail client

------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
------ The body of the message is 59879 characters long; only the first
------ 10240 or so are included here.

ROFL! Crazy Linux people :D
I got the file this time, I will check it out.

The script file sent out too...
waiting for your good result :D

Waiting for the solution :(

MBCS to Unicode conversion bugs fixed. Updated ResourceEditor.cpp and DialogTemplate.cpp are available at the CVS.

And now, the other way around, Unicode to MBCS conversion bugs fixed. Same two files updated in the CVS.

Set Font
What happens if the font you want to set does not exist on the destination system?

By the way: an rtf license file create with WordXP and another created with WordPad cannot be displayed under Windows 95, 98, ME. Under Windows NT, 2000, XP all works fine. Any idea? (It looks like you open the rtf file in a simple text viewer.)

If the font can't be found on the user system it uses the default system font. This is Windows behaviour and I can't change it.

Maybe the file that you create on an NT system is Unicode. You must make sure you save it as MBCS because Windows 9x doesn't speak Unicode. I have no idea how to force Word save in MBCS format :( The weirdest thing is that Word 2000 under Windows 98 can read my RTFs from Windows XP & Office XP... I will look into it and see if I can find anything useful.


kichik, i had already told you that there was a problem with the french accents, when using the french.lf file ... But i didn't check it with the newer releases...
In fact, when displaying 'é', it displays 'ÿé' .... :( !
I hope you will be able to find that problem...

SourceForge... ah!

Where does it display this?

Originally posted by kichik
And now, the other way around, Unicode to MBCS conversion bugs fixed. Same two files updated in the CVS.
Why not release Alpha 7 ?

I am very busy at the moment. I will do it all in a couple of days. Don't worry, alpha 7 will come out soon.