15th August 2002 23:47 UTC
** help wanted **
Fiffi and i are looking for C/C++ developpers !
A first thread was created, but we're still looking for coders ! Everybody 's welcome ... even if this is only for a very few contribution !
I very little base has been developped yet [screen capture follows...], and a sourceforge account has been created...
Feel free to contact one of us, if you had any question about the project ... :)
16th August 2002 06:24 UTC
looks suspicously like VC++ ide :)
i would help, but it would mainly be gui dev and learning more c++, if you'll take me :)
16th August 2002 07:29 UTC
well, we need GUI dev too :) !
There won't be any problem :D...
As Figgi is in w-e (hehe :D), if you want some infos about the existing project, and what we planned to do, semd me an email ;) !
20th August 2002 00:05 UTC
That GUI project seems to be interresting. Although I read the precedent thread, I still have questions to ask:
1- What is the name of the project: "N²E", "N-Spot" ;) , "NSIS Studio" ?
2- Are you using Visual C++ or Delphi ? And which version ?
3- What is the sourceforge account ?
4- Do you still need developpers ?
I could bring you help in C/C++ and Visual C++... :)
The only bad point is I don't have much time. That would be for a ew contribution...
20th August 2002 00:14 UTC
1_ project name is N²E
2_ we're using C++ language code
3_ at the moment, Fiffi is the only person to have the source code... i hope he'll see that topic tomorrow !!!
4_ we need developpers, even if this is just a contribution ;) !
I don't know if Fiffi has contacted liquidmotion, but, please send him directly a mail... ;) !
21st August 2002 13:40 UTC
Hello friends,
Sorry for the late reply, but i was in holiday.
This evening i reply...