1. blanking out the Install button (6 replies)
  2. ExecShell not detecting program already installed (3 replies)
  3. Three problems with INSTFILES page (1 replies)
  4. Need some help for a deskbar (0 replies)
  5. Scheduling a tastk (7 replies)
  6. UAC plugin, uninstaller display name (7 replies)
  7. How to Create Such a Shortcut (9 replies)
  8. Command Prompt in Vista (2 replies)
  9. How to do that? (1 replies)
  10. How To: No component has been selected error message (3 replies)
  11. nsDialogs and dynamic content (1 replies)
  12. NSD_CreateDirRequest does not work (6 replies)
  13. How to get Harddisk's physical serial number in nsis? (6 replies)
  14. Make a silent installer wait when called from a batch file (2 replies)
  15. NSIS Complete Persian Tutorial (4 replies)
  16. Create onfly section (3 replies)
  17. About The Environment Variable (1 replies)
  18. Don't Have Write Access?! (6 replies)
  19. Loop an animated gif (5 replies)
  20. Creating an installer for a screensaver (3 replies)
  21. How to bundle a JRE? (2 replies)
  22. Getting localized name of "NT AUTHORITY\System" (3 replies)
  23. Custom pages with UMUI (Ultra Modern Interface) (1 replies)
  24. Conditional Section (4 replies)
  25. Going MORE than Slightly Mad (8 replies)
  26. Help with classpath and jars - JAVA (13 replies)
  27. Write Access in $INSTDIR ? (3 replies)
  28. How to remove the "Header" bitmap in MUI? (2 replies)
  29. inetc bug: resume (1 replies)
  30. edit line in text file and replace with text by user (3 replies)
  31. Passing string parameter to a dll (a plugin actually) (8 replies)
  32. Checking when Apache has deployed .war file (4 replies)
  33. Include a list during compilation (9 replies)
  34. Batch file to delete only installed files (2 replies)
  35. How to find a file/directory owner? (8 replies)
  36. Custom Page Images (8 replies)
  37. Trouble with System::Call (3 replies)
  38. Installing Lotus Notes Database and Start Replication (1 replies)
  39. AddToPath for "Program Archives" (2 replies)
  40. Executing a shell program (3 replies)
  41. Installer not the top most window (1 replies)
  42. Alter XML File inside a .rar file (5 replies)
  43. Hidden section bug (2 replies)
  44. Create an installer for a driver (2 replies)
  45. disclaimer, processing page of checkboxes (29 replies)
  46. Unable to find not formatted drives with GetDrives (2 replies)
  47. select language in command line (5 replies)
  48. How to detect if Section exists? (3 replies)
  49. nsExec bug, probably, erroneous first run behavior (10 replies)
  50. Unable to correctly call a dll using system.dll (3 replies)
  51. MUI + Messagebox plugin - Bug?! (3 replies)
  52. AccessControl Plugin SetFileOwner not working? (1 replies)
  53. Can't execute uninstaller from installer (1 replies)
  54. MUI Directory Selection Dialog (1 replies)
  55. to kill more process (1 replies)
  56. quiet installer (1 replies)
  57. check radio button state? (1 replies)
  58. Compress files in sum larger than 2GB (0 replies)
  59. Skins in installer (1 replies)
  60. installing fonts on Vista (13 replies)
  61. install vs. upgrade (5 replies)
  62. How to get the parent directory (2 replies)
  63. MUI: Wrong language in message boxes (4 replies)
  64. ExecWait doesn't work with relative path?! (2 replies)
  65. Where can I find a complete list of variables start with "^"? (3 replies)
  66. dotNet version detection problem (2 replies)
  67. Section dependency (1 replies)
  68. Czech MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY (1 replies)
  69. Chinese oddness (2 replies)
  70. minor quibble - !define DEBUG in nsDialogs.nsh (0 replies)
  71. Custom page - Displayed twice (5 replies)
  72. destination folder problem (3 replies)
  73. Only one question (1 replies)
  74. how to fit splashscreen on all screen (1 replies)
  75. Don't show quick launch icon on vista user account (2 replies)
  76. Installing a custom dictionary for MS Word with NSIS (2 replies)
  77. Add button on page to skip to other pages (1 replies)
  78. Backup Utility written in NSIS Script (2 replies)
  79. I want a section to be unselected only for one of the languages (2 replies)
  80. LTR license in RTL language (9 replies)
  81. Howto build up dynamic license file name (4 replies)
  82. Directory listing (2 replies)
  83. MUI Registration Page (2 replies)
  84. Custom InstType (10 replies)
  85. VB and NSIS (8 replies)
  86. problems with Execwait coupled with checking for running while uninstalling... (9 replies)
  87. Language selection - perfect match (1 replies)
  88. NSIS Start Menu Shortcuts - Known Bug? (5 replies)
  89. MUI_BRANDINGTEXT not working (2 replies)
  90. Disable LangDLL Cancel button? (1 replies)
  91. Questions with installing .NET (3 replies)
  92. MUI2 beta bug (2 replies)
  93. Question about the "directory" screen. (2 replies)
  94. BMP image as button in nsDialogs? (4 replies)
  95. Modify the license text content (2 replies)
  96. Display Multiple languages in Message Box (18 replies)
  97. NsisIo & Languages problem (2 replies)
  98. vista uac prompt displays random file name (6 replies)
  99. Having problems with trailing backslash (3 replies)
  100. Create a shortcut link which has "Run as administrator" option enabled on Vista (19 replies)
  101. MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY, dynamicaly update the 'Destination Folder' text box (2 replies)
  102. Trouble with file attributes (3 replies)
  103. Avoiding reboot after installing IE add-on (0 replies)
  104. Patch Uninstaller Strategy (2 replies)
  105. NSIS Start Menu problem (4 replies)
  106. Create RDC shortcut (3 replies)
  107. Programs requiring CD to run (3 replies)
  108. Detecting the installed version of PostgreSQL (3 replies)
  109. How to change the process owner of the installer? (9 replies)
  110. developer center - wiki (3 replies)
  111. How do I know if the cancel button was clicked? (4 replies)
  112. compiling makensis binary on Linux 64-bit OS (5 replies)
  113. Determine which vista edition is installed (15 replies)
  114. CheckProcess.exe returning 128 (3 replies)
  115. XPUI: Ampersand in product name not well displayed. (1 replies)
  116. setting accelator key on checkbox for installOptions (1 replies)
  117. Please help! MUI Dialog Size is Strange when MUI_LANGUAGE="Japanese" (3 replies)
  118. Change Section on another section selection (2 replies)
  119. Need help (Multilanguage Uninstaller) (2 replies)
  120. BgImage during installing files! (3 replies)
  121. setting button value in "instfiles" after sections are done (2 replies)
  122. Help me pick an installer example (10 replies)
  123. nsWeb download link broken (4 replies)
  124. TaskDialog in Windows Vista (6 replies)
  125. Banner location (0 replies)
  126. Seperate Component Selection Order from Install Order? (3 replies)
  127. Problem with installing one of two directories (2 replies)
  128. Black bands and missing UI Pieces (1 replies)
  129. Writing more than one registry value to one file (1 replies)
  130. Dynamic Section Name...Possible? (4 replies)
  131. New release of Lazarus Registration (1 replies)
  132. Writing a registry value to a file (1 replies)
  133. Vista Games Explorer help (1 replies)
  134. Background Images (2 replies)
  135. Documentation MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_ ? (1 replies)
  136. Confused $INSTDIR (5 replies)
  137. Pass variables between nsh files (6 replies)
  138. Check to continue (6 replies)
  139. How to detect Office 2003 PIA (4 replies)
  140. Some Errors with Editor 3.3.0 (2 replies)
  141. Show Content of TextFile (0 replies)
  142. Disable/select Radio buttons (6 replies)
  143. Hiding Section in Uninstall (3 replies)
  144. ExecWait Doesn't work (3 replies)
  145. Sections, SectionGroups -- selecting only one section (3 replies)
  146. revert installation on error (2 replies)
  147. Strange problem InstallDir / InstallDirRegKey (1 replies)
  148. Autorun.inf Generator (1 replies)
  149. silent html help install (3 replies)
  150. Problem System plugin on win98 (6 replies)
  151. Problems with Buttonevent (5 replies)
  152. Ensure that the install directory does not exist (4 replies)
  153. Script compilation problem (File command) (2 replies)
  154. Reg file code does not work (3 replies)
  155. Possible InstallLib Problems (4 replies)
  156. Killing a process that reports "Access Denied" (6 replies)
  157. Problem with Vista/RequestExecutionLevel (5 replies)
  158. Mui problem (1 replies)
  159. How could I select which component to shown during installation (6 replies)
  160. Problems (and I have NO MORE TIME) (4 replies)
  161. Advanced Font Installation (1 replies)
  162. Running windows hidden, but with parameters (4 replies)
  163. verify older version not running (4 replies)
  164. NSIS 2.31 is released (2 replies)
  165. New plugin - launcher splash (6 replies)
  166. What am I doing wrong? (5 replies)
  167. Bug in MUI2 - Description hover (1 replies)
  168. Sending file via email or FTP? (1 replies)
  169. executing .msi file (2 replies)
  170. Uninst on what you inst'd (2 replies)
  171. page skipping and nsDialogs (0 replies)
  172. help with optional installations and hyperlinks (1 replies)
  173. Set Vista default app (2 replies)
  174. problems with ExecWait. (6 replies)
  175. Writing the output of a cmd window to a file (3 replies)
  176. [Help] What's the reason? (1 replies)
  177. Setting Environment Variable (1 replies)
  178. Insert Reg File Err: Invalid registry file format (2 replies)
  179. retrieving checkbox value ? (2 replies)
  180. Error when trying to compile (20 replies)
  181. Checking for DOT NET Framework (1 replies)
  182. ${DirState} give compile error. (3 replies)
  183. disabling component checkbox based on variable (11 replies)
  184. Compatibility mode (1 replies)
  185. Calling third party executable setup.exe (1 replies)
  186. can't get execwait to work... (3 replies)
  187. nsExec: redirect into file with blanks in name (4 replies)
  188. how to make a non-installer for Vista? (7 replies)
  189. 3 lines text in welcome page and finish page (installer and uninstaller) (4 replies)
  190. New plug-in nsisUser released! (1 replies)
  191. NSIS installer with command line (1 replies)
  192. ExecWait 'gacutil.exe' (2 replies)
  193. My "vote" for installers >2Gb (3 replies)
  194. TABSTOP and Edit Box (1 replies)
  195. Is it possible to selectively compress files? (1 replies)
  196. How to make a setup.exe and keep the files external (2 replies)
  197. Delete autostart reg (3 replies)
  198. DirRequest suffix (2 replies)
  199. 3 bugs with MUI 2.0 (8 replies)
  200. crash displaying MUI destination panel (3 replies)
  201. LockedList.dll - auto next button (1 replies)
  202. NSIS 2.30, MUI2: nsDialogs.dll remains after install (3 replies)
  203. Localizing Uninstall pages (2 replies)
  204. Set focust with nsDialogs (2 replies)
  205. Confusion on GetKeyboardLayoutList Function (1 replies)
  206. How to disable check box in section? (4 replies)
  207. Exclamation mark - what is it? (2 replies)
  208. MUI 2.0 Bug: MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP_RTL_NOSTRETCH is not working (2 replies)
  209. Uncheck all options of a group (3 replies)
  210. NSIS 2.30, MUI2, russian: SetRebootFlag doesn't work? (1 replies)
  211. /D= not working on remote drives (5 replies)
  212. Get Directory (1 replies)
  213. Cannot add IME on the fly (4 replies)
  214. questions of custom pages! (1 replies)
  215. Copy files from another directory (1 replies)
  216. Compile time information from a single text file? (2 replies)
  217. Uninstaller + UAC plugin + Vista = confusion (7 replies)
  218. integer limit? (2 replies)
  219. coding error in LockedList.cpp (1 replies)
  220. Limit browsing with 'DirRequest' (5 replies)
  221. Registry Settings for all users on a PC (1 replies)
  222. GetVersion::WindowsType (8 replies)
  223. getting makensis errors and warnings on command line (6 replies)
  224. virus false positive (4 replies)
  225. Wizard window (3 replies)
  226. About GetDlgItem? (4 replies)
  227. RegDLL crashes installer (12 replies)
  228. Strange vista bug (13 replies)
  229. MUI2 Controls handles problem for insfiles & unconfirm pages (1 replies)
  230. MUI2 Bug in Header_Image (3 replies)
  231. get special folder (7 replies)
  232. INSTDIR remembers previous setting (5 replies)
  233. Error: File "..\..\..\path\to\file\AppMainExe.exe" (1 replies)
  234. FindWindow Wildcard (5 replies)
  235. How are you handling software registration? (0 replies)
  236. Using MUI to Check for MacroMedia Flash (3 replies)
  237. Problem with icons (2 replies)
  238. Write REG_MULTI_SZ values (2 replies)
  239. Silent LZMA (1 replies)
  240. Create Folder & Change Config File (0 replies)
  241. AnimGif Plugin questions... (0 replies)
  242. MUI2 MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP fuzzy.. (5 replies)
  243. forbid create Uninst.exe (1 replies)
  244. Spanish (non-UTF) characters in .ini file (0 replies)
  245. Removing Reg keys on uninstall with Vista (1 replies)
  246. SHGetFolderPath (3 replies)
  247. Few things (2 replies)
  248. Detecting Default Browser (1 replies)
  249. Problems with a select box (2 replies)
  250. Progressbar does not finish on Vista (3 replies)