1. Help -> nsDiaglogs issue: some label is overlap in second page (9 replies)
  2. Uninstalling correctly under Vista (0 replies)
  3. How to "forget" mouse clicks (and keypresses)? (3 replies)
  4. trouble disabling some buttons (4 replies)
  5. CreateDirectory fails (3 replies)
  6. Writing component names to registry (11 replies)
  7. NSIS_CONFIG_LOG_STDOUT and ExecWait (2 replies)
  8. 150 Files ... (1 replies)
  9. How to enable/disable an optional section with code? (2 replies)
  10. Create a .stx file??? (1 replies)
  11. nsDialogs: SendMessage CB_SETITEMDATA (0 replies)
  12. /3GB switch in Windows (XP, Vista, 7) (3 replies)
  13. Uninstaller shows "Error launching installer" (1 replies)
  14. LZMA Decompression bug (1 replies)
  15. Calling Uninstallation while installing (3 replies)
  16. custom messagebox icon (6 replies)
  17. Show page, then skip to next page (3 replies)
  18. UAC plug-in EM: install function "ExecAppFile" not referenced (9 replies)
  19. Display the correct "space required" by the installer. (3 replies)
  20. MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY Read Only (13 replies)
  21. Skipping MUI Welcome Page (5 replies)
  22. Call a function on Next button click of a page (7 replies)
  23. Tabindex for Custom Page Elements (2 replies)
  24. Copying multiple files to different folders (6 replies)
  25. customizing UninstallConfirm page (0 replies)
  26. nsexec.dll classified as ardamax keylogger (1 replies)
  27. header text problem (3 replies)
  28. Creating a custom components page depending on Installation Methods (2 replies)
  29. Installer made with NSIS? (9 replies)
  30. Icon and Version Information is lost by copying to other pc (3 replies)
  31. Scheduled Tasks - How to create some with if & else? (5 replies)
  32. Custom MessageBoxes? (4 replies)
  33. how to hide file inclusion messages in makensis output? (0 replies)
  34. Migration from InstallShield (0 replies)
  35. I can't uninstall some files (2 replies)
  36. How to fake MSI in registry (0 replies)
  37. Dynamic alignment of checkBoxes on a custom page (2 replies)
  38. Very simple 'Download from FTP then Run' script? (0 replies)
  39. Directory the installer is in? (6 replies)
  40. Windows 7 add and remove programs (6 replies)
  41. Check if user has permissions to create directory (5 replies)
  42. Regasm and Vista (5 replies)
  43. Install page per section (0 replies)
  44. special build with long strings (8192) crashes (1 replies)
  45. Error Wrapping MS Patch - Please go to the control panel to install and configure sy (8 replies)
  46. loop problem. (4 replies)
  47. DeleteRegKey Fails Because Not Iterating All Subkeys (5 replies)
  48. If FileZilla exists, run script to download from FTP then launch installer(s) in orde (2 replies)
  49. Change the CWD/getting the '*.nsi' script directory (3 replies)
  50. Java app - on Win - detect updates - and download and install over internet (2 replies)
  51. DLL disapear from PLUGINS dir at WIN98 (3 replies)
  52. Big problems with the Background color (6 replies)
  53. evaluate $LANGUAGE within .onInit (0 replies)
  54. How to use FindFirst & Find * variables? (0 replies)
  55. Import .reg file into 64-bit registry (5 replies)
  56. How can I make an NSIS image linkable in the installer? (1 replies)
  57. How to check power supply plugged? (4 replies)
  58. copy folder to one palce and paste it to another folder (2 replies)
  59. ChDir missing? (Working directory / CurDir) (6 replies)
  60. Check version from ini and download if newer (2 replies)
  61. Delete a file from the cache (2 replies)
  62. Creating a text area (8 replies)
  63. Restore default path on Directory page after validation (4 replies)
  64. Problems by unintallation on Windows Vista (4 replies)
  65. Suppress WinZip Uninstall Web Browser Launch (4 replies)
  66. Embeddedlist plugin needs refresh (8 replies)
  67. How to detect if an environment-variable exists? (3 replies)
  68. [nsDialogs] How to create Checkbox with transparent background? (7 replies)
  69. ExecWait with .msi file (4 replies)
  70. Passing a parameter to the .nsi file (8 replies)
  71. Running UAC plugin as admin - issue (7 replies)
  72. very new to this... (1 replies)
  73. Polish language (3 replies)
  74. After installation,new shortcut for db file is created in startmenu (0 replies)
  75. ${ConfigWrite} bug? (3 replies)
  76. Binary created with NSIS is reported as a virus (1 replies)
  77. How to restore the excution level? (2 replies)
  78. install failure [scons] (3 replies)
  79. setup (1 replies)
  80. System:Call works only on dev machine (8 replies)
  81. Writing a Messenger Uninstaller using NSIS? (2 replies)
  82. Creating shortcuts for downloaded files (4 replies)
  83. How to close all interfering programs before installing new versions? (3 replies)
  84. dynamically naming the outfile (*.exe) (9 replies)
  85. How to add necessary condition (0 replies)
  86. displaying description when section is selected (1 replies)
  87. Getting the msiexec return code (2 replies)
  88. NSIS Helper v1.0 by pipiscrew released07092009 (2 replies)
  89. Order for !addincludedir and !addplugindir (0 replies)
  90. passing maintainership of the Debian nsis package (2 replies)
  91. Hey (1 replies)
  92. Uninstall does not remove the Program Files folder in Start Menu on Vista (1 replies)
  93. find/close (4 replies)
  94. Detect Windows 7 (2 replies)
  95. Two setup installation (0 replies)
  96. Cannot download NSIS 2.45 (2 replies)
  97. Verifying serial number (13 replies)
  98. getting user feedback on uninstall (11 replies)
  99. How to remove Spacetexts label from component page? (1 replies)
  100. How to reference translated MUI/standard strings (2 replies)
  101. CreateShortCut vs. Vista SP1 and SP2 (5 replies)
  102. Resources on creating custom pages (1 replies)
  103. Error on exiting Installer (4 replies)
  104. InstallOptions and background image (3 replies)
  105. [delete user account] remaining home directory (6 replies)
  106. Problem running NSIS from ant task (1 replies)
  107. Alternate install folder after selection (6 replies)
  108. Partial String Match During Uninstall (5 replies)
  109. Build Issue (0 replies)
  110. Inetc 302 Redirect failure with Inetc::get (6 replies)
  111. Verifying installer... (7 replies)
  112. desktop shortcut to URL + Icon chage (4 replies)
  113. REST HTTP Call (0 replies)
  114. FILE command not working (2 replies)
  115. multi line header text for custom page (0 replies)
  116. Deleteing files from user's Application Data folder on uninstall (0 replies)
  117. ExecCmd::exec problem (1 replies)
  118. Problem I can't figure out... (1 replies)
  119. Find what error happens during file open? (3 replies)
  120. Different FileDescription for installer and uninstaller (5 replies)
  121. Files common to each section (1 replies)
  122. hide path selection in custom page (0 replies)
  123. Determining windows version at runtime (2 replies)
  124. how to get path to winamp.ini ? (6 replies)
  125. Problems when I want to execute a file .bat (2 replies)
  126. Installer help (1 replies)
  127. Nested SectionGroup(s) - problem hiding Groups (4 replies)
  128. display image on right side of Finish page (0 replies)
  129. Display photos on the right side of Finish page (1 replies)
  130. display image on right side of Finish page (1 replies)
  131. NEW Awsome tool made for you guys! (2 replies)
  132. How to configure iis security with nsis? (3 replies)
  133. How to deploy rdl with nsis? (1 replies)
  134. *.vsto install using nsis (1 replies)
  135. vista installation problem (0 replies)
  136. Can NSIS automate another installer? (8 replies)
  137. Connect with mysql DB using NSIS (0 replies)
  138. Batting 1000 (3 replies)
  139. Easy, automated download and installation for Java Runtime (9 replies)
  140. Can I know % complete? (2 replies)
  141. Progress doesn't move then jumps at 100% (9 replies)
  142. Going Crazy!!! Please Help! (5 replies)
  143. Help: Custom Page with MUI not working (1 replies)
  144. Real-time Textbox Update (2 replies)
  145. Get Absolute Path of file that calls exe (1 replies)
  146. Application desktop shortcuts not running (5 replies)
  147. Test on .oninit and change section flag (4 replies)
  148. How to show finish page if user skips custom registration page (5 replies)
  149. Vista "program files" sub directory permissions (3 replies)
  150. Need help with controlling available install options (10 replies)
  151. How to add an icon in the new 7 task bar? (2 replies)
  152. Proof of concept: Detect 64-bit capable CPU - execute CPUID opcode from System plugin (2 replies)
  153. !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN at run-time (5 replies)
  154. Recursively copy directory (0 replies)
  155. How Can I control GUI´s due to the check boxes (0 replies)
  156. How to detect an event from embedded browser control? (0 replies)
  157. nsSCM - error installing service (4 replies)
  158. Finish Page (13 replies)
  159. Finish Page (0 replies)
  160. Installing to a UNC Path using MUI (10 replies)
  161. Adjust "space required" displayed on directory page? (2 replies)
  162. repack zipfiles (1 replies)
  163. Automatic/command line installer installation (2 replies)
  164. displaying multiple images while installing (0 replies)
  165. a program needs your permission to continue (0 replies)
  166. Secret Keyboard Hotkey (4 replies)
  167. Post uninstall function? (2 replies)
  168. What Version of Scons is Currently Being Used to Build NSIS? (3 replies)
  169. javaw.exe launcher for -jar mucommander.jar Portable (1 replies)
  170. Uninstaller Error (1 replies)
  171. installation of SQL Server Reporting Services with nsis (1 replies)
  172. Can an instance of a browser be embedded in a page? (1 replies)
  173. How to create registration page (1 replies)
  174. inetc plugin mangles URL and will not save file (15 replies)
  175. NSIS BitTorrent Plugin Needed (6 replies)
  176. INI File (2 replies)
  177. dialogsEx plugin problems on Win2000 and Vista (0 replies)
  178. nsisXML::insertBefore usage (4 replies)
  179. Sharing data between installer and uninstaller (1 replies)
  180. WMI via System plugin - query BIOS serial number (3 replies)
  181. Math plugin compiled with mingw32 causes an access violation (2 replies)
  182. Converting a string to Uppercase (4 replies)
  183. How to install using control panel with nsis? (5 replies)
  184. MSI Uninstallation (3 replies)
  185. Use of Name Installer attribute with a variable (2 replies)
  186. clear textbox (2 replies)
  187. Advanced Logging with Speical Builds (8 replies)
  188. problem with addDevice (0 replies)
  189. Directory Page - Set DirRequest Color (0 replies)
  190. windows7 missing quicklaunch icon (2 replies)
  191. Install directory is not being created (1 replies)
  192. ExecWait error code -9 (3 replies)
  193. Possible Bug in File Handling (1 replies)
  194. Get radiobutton selection (0 replies)
  195. Manipulation of finish dialog with nsDialogs (3 replies)
  196. DirectX Install Documentation (2 replies)
  197. Problem with CopyFiles (1 replies)
  198. system tray application icon issue (1 replies)
  199. SectionGetText with loop "for" (2 replies)
  200. Invisible folders (4 replies)
  201. showing tooltips on NSD_CreateDirRequest (7 replies)
  202. changing font size in textbox on custome page (2 replies)
  203. Option to only extract some files (3 replies)
  204. setup (2 replies)
  205. how to make a field is required (2 replies)
  206. Register own file ext (1 replies)
  207. Write to .ini file problem! (3 replies)
  208. Show details (1 replies)
  209. SimpleSC SetServiceLogon fails with XYNTService (1 replies)
  210. problem using $\t (2 replies)
  211. Replace a line of text file contents (4 replies)
  212. inetc providing unreliable results? (5 replies)
  213. How to get a value from DLL using System::Call (6 replies)
  214. Inetc Dialog Error (1 replies)
  215. Question about Show Details (2 replies)
  216. MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS: User should at least check 1 of 2 optional sections (2 replies)
  217. [NSIS] How to rename a file? (10 replies)
  218. Hex to ASCII and back (16 replies)
  219. ExperienceUI 1.3.1 released (2 replies)
  220. Slow compile time with zlib (0 replies)
  221. nsis problem (3 replies)
  222. Problem with sql registry (2 replies)
  223. Problem XPUI with SP3 (2 replies)
  224. Using wildcards to copy files to subdirectories? (5 replies)
  225. Replace a file within an installation executable (2 replies)
  226. As the next button to validate? (0 replies)
  227. !define and CRLF escape codes (3 replies)
  228. starting an additional installer (3 replies)
  229. Section Selection (2 replies)
  230. About Window component (2 replies)
  231. CreateMutexA (0 replies)
  232. Set TEMP dir from command line (4 replies)
  233. Determine did var contains with some text! (4 replies)
  234. How to get result from OSQL query? (6 replies)
  235. ScrollLicence enabling too soon using RTF (4 replies)
  236. installer window loosing focus (13 replies)
  237. Get SecurityError 1? (15 replies)
  238. Read local certificate store (7 replies)
  239. Check for sql database (5 replies)
  240. Listing of files that are installed by NSIS installer (6 replies)
  241. [Installer] finish page's link. (9 replies)
  242. "Windows installer has stopped working" error with silent NSIS install in Vista (8 replies)
  243. EnumUsersReg works in (XP) SP2 but not in SP3 (6 replies)
  244. Other ways to Reg Merge a set of keys (2 replies)
  245. Get current install size (1 replies)
  246. Check if the section was selected (4 replies)
  247. ${If} ${UserIsAdmin} (6 replies)
  248. Can i read .properties file with nsis? (2 replies)
  249. Problem to delete installer when cancel (8 replies)
  250. XPUI_ICON error (1 replies)