1. no file icon > 450 mb (3 replies)
  2. Upgrade busy dll by UnInstallLib and then InstallLib (4 replies)
  3. Transfer a java JAR file to PDA using rapi (0 replies)
  4. Using ${Locate} with SetFileAttributes (2 replies)
  5. How do you add a script to an installer 0.o (2 replies)
  6. handling of hard and soft links (1 replies)
  7. Check installer has admin rights or not? (3 replies)
  8. Add optional MD5 calculations on files to NSIS (0 replies)
  9. custom form next button disabled (3 replies)
  10. Hide cancel button in Ultramodern UI in finish dialog (1 replies)
  11. File, SetOutPath question.. (5 replies)
  12. Rewrite TMP folder from host to removable (2 replies)
  13. Word Global Templates (5 replies)
  14. CPU Detection Code (1 replies)
  15. Cancel installation without confirmation (5 replies)
  16. Automatically Make Multiple Builds (1 replies)
  17. Inheriting User Permissions for IIS (1 replies)
  18. Changing behavior based on installed components (8 replies)
  19. About WriteRegStr (2 replies)
  20. GetDrives macro in the uninstall section (1 replies)
  21. Making an Icon for Sytem Control-->Software (4 replies)
  22. the use of strReplace (11 replies)
  23. Determine if the vc8 dlls are installed (18 replies)
  24. Problem with MultiLanguage (4 replies)
  25. using FindWindow when multiple windows have the same title (2 replies)
  26. Error in Windows XP (3 replies)
  27. Difference between = and == / != and <> ??? (2 replies)
  28. CAB Setup - Variable Source Path in Installer Script (2 replies)
  29. Vista not showing size in Add/remove Programs (1 replies)
  30. How to install .net from CD rather than internet (5 replies)
  31. RequestExecutionLevel in a section (3 replies)
  32. [Q] Updater plugin? (1 replies)
  33. give a variable to script and build it automaticly (14 replies)
  34. Combining other Installers (without simply executinging them) (1 replies)
  35. 0 Byte File Problem (8 replies)
  36. VAR syntax change? (5 replies)
  37. Variable declarations - Different files. (3 replies)
  38. How to start function running immediately? (11 replies)
  39. NSIS and Debug/Release Builds (5 replies)
  40. Can we use a .net dll with NSIS script (3 replies)
  41. replace a substring (9 replies)
  42. Copy folders except one (3 replies)
  43. Vista Issue-"Size" in Control Panel-Add/Remove Programs (1 replies)
  44. MultiUser.nsh & INSTDIR (18 replies)
  45. Silent Reinstall (1 replies)
  46. Section/Component Screen,Strange Indexed Display Problem (3 replies)
  47. Convert string to variable, is it possible? (6 replies)
  48. running unistaller from .onInit function (3 replies)
  49. Progress bar of downloading on the custom page (3 replies)
  50. Function that opens files. (2 replies)
  51. version compare (5 replies)
  52. Setup.exe (2 replies)
  53. Detecting Phalanger (10 replies)
  54. install all files after reboot (10 replies)
  55. Eperience UI with German.nsh (4 replies)
  56. Closeing Setup Window (5 replies)
  57. Changing a Control in a Custom Page (1 replies)
  58. Embed a file, but never install it? (1 replies)
  59. makensis /D with spaces in value (4 replies)
  60. Separate Silent Install (2 replies)
  61. Parameter passing. (2 replies)
  62. Copying a single file. (2 replies)
  63. Invalid installation path on app upgrade (4 replies)
  64. Yet another Vista related problem (2 replies)
  65. How to make 2 different installs. (4 replies)
  66. nsDialogs + DirRequest (2 replies)
  67. Error with MementoSectionMarkNew (1 replies)
  68. nsdialogs - Any way to override/get a callback on the <Cancel> button? (5 replies)
  69. Copy files to enviroment variables path (2 replies)
  70. Firewall objections (10 replies)
  71. directory validation (1 replies)
  72. is the user is in the groups administrators and power users (6 replies)
  73. compare 2 versions (4 replies)
  74. nsdialog - NSD_CreateDropList - Set Sizes Question. (5 replies)
  75. SetBrandingImage Catch 22 ? (1 replies)
  76. how to combine installer and upgrader together? (2 replies)
  77. NSIS Error: Error launching installer (4 replies)
  78. System Variable as InstallDir (2 replies)
  79. Maintaining directory structure (1 replies)
  80. Why don't my radio buttons work? (4 replies)
  81. catch more then 1 event on custom page (15 replies)
  82. Need standard dialogs, using Ultra Modern UI (0 replies)
  83. Remove the icon before the caption (6 replies)
  84. Need help with callbacks (3 replies)
  85. Need help making win32 calls (6 replies)
  86. checking the output of one php script (2 replies)
  87. NSD_SetFocus doesn't work (0 replies)
  88. Close after compiling (4 replies)
  89. Program doesn't open on top (7 replies)
  90. "????" in APPDATA path for non unicode (hebrew) windows username (8 replies)
  91. In need of help creating a custom page. (3 replies)
  92. Compiler Error with Dictionary Size > 149 MB (12 replies)
  93. Error: could not resolve label "goto" in unnamed install section (1) (15 replies)
  94. "Could not load: XXXX.dll" error in log (possibly XP SP3 related) (4 replies)
  95. Change screen resolution (2 replies)
  96. Disable/enable sections in component page (2 replies)
  97. Problem in spite of putting password to the root in mysql 4.1 (1 replies)
  98. Background image (8 replies)
  99. PLUGINSDIR unknown (1 replies)
  100. Install & Reg Fonts - scripting question (4 replies)
  101. NSIS with main() function and no others or sections or pages? (6 replies)
  102. How to pop up a page if a section in component page is selected? (6 replies)
  103. Remove file details from MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES (2 replies)
  104. NSIS Language Strings Translator (1 replies)
  105. Navimg on Wiki? (2 replies)
  106. nsdialogs - how to disable control (3 replies)
  107. Extract file from a nsis installer (3 replies)
  108. Using ES_READONLY with NSD_AddStyle (1 replies)
  109. [JOB] Looking for someone to reproduce a nsis script (2 replies)
  110. Is un.post supposed to get called automatically? (4 replies)
  111. Background Image Problems (8 replies)
  112. Billboarding images (5 replies)
  113. $SMPROGRAMS not in correct place?? (2 replies)
  114. Font_Dir not referenced warning (1 replies)
  115. How can I pass a variable from nsDialog function? (4 replies)
  116. Cant custumize MUI_PAGE_FINISH... (1 replies)
  117. NSIS with ExperienceUI shows balck color background (0 replies)
  118. about unpacking dialog (4 replies)
  119. Failed extracting file (2 replies)
  120. Log File (3 replies)
  121. Grouped RadioButtons (3 replies)
  122. Set working directory for program called via exec (4 replies)
  123. detect conflicting programs with NSIS (1 replies)
  124. Creating key product (5 replies)
  125. Problems with MUI / Skinning / Unicode (3 replies)
  126. Execute two Installer(exe) into one exe (10 replies)
  127. Install Dir Snapshot (1 replies)
  128. Proper DIR for downloaded file (8 replies)
  129. Problem with inetload (2 replies)
  130. MUI (NSIS 2.37) corrupts Japanese text (2 replies)
  131. reading directory content (1 replies)
  132. Make two setup(exe)files into one setup(exe) files. (8 replies)
  133. SQL error handling (3 replies)
  134. custom plugin still unloading with SetPluginUnload alwaysoff or /NOUNLOAD (2 replies)
  135. Cann't processing plugins under unicode path (9 replies)
  136. Fortinet detecting NSIS (2 replies)
  137. Flags=DISABLED not working on run time (1 replies)
  138. Check if directory exist (2 replies)
  139. Endless Progress Bar? (4 replies)
  140. Hide an Icon (1 replies)
  141. RmDir (Remove Directory) only if empty? (2 replies)
  142. MUI install to Application Data and Program files (3 replies)
  143. Ability to uninstall post install added files (9 replies)
  144. AccessControl (i cant use it) (4 replies)
  145. Import data from an other file (2 replies)
  146. MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP isn't displayed (8 replies)
  147. nsDialogs & MUI: Page skipping (4 replies)
  148. MSI and AD rear their ugly heads again (6 replies)
  149. Path comparison (2 replies)
  150. Portable NSIS (4 replies)
  151. NCIS for Mozilla Prism (1 replies)
  152. Prevent installer running if non-admin user (10 replies)
  153. Conditional License Agreement Page based on Component Selection? (8 replies)
  154. NSIS for VS.Net 05 and 03 (1 replies)
  155. conditional execution based on whether File was valid? (2 replies)
  156. Logging Installation Messages from NSIS (7 replies)
  157. Adding hyperlink in custom pages (1 replies)
  158. UltraModern UI left branding not displayed (0 replies)
  159. Download files based on country (1 replies)
  160. Multilanguage button-label-text Messagebox (3 replies)
  161. Getting Windows Version from NSIS (5 replies)
  162. Install Sql Server Express 2005 as prerequisite (0 replies)
  163. Display an Image on the left of all dialogs. (3 replies)
  164. Ok to call WriteUninstaller in .onInit? (2 replies)
  165. Plugin not registering (6 replies)
  166. Handling a variable number of sections? (4 replies)
  167. Plugin & Stack (11 replies)
  168. UAC configure with UAC.LNG (5 replies)
  169. problem launching app from finish page (0 replies)
  170. Creating hyperlinks in Licence.rtf file (11 replies)
  171. Custom Dll unstable behavior (3 replies)
  172. Showing the Finish page after clicking next button (4 replies)
  173. Calling the function inside a .net dll from NSIS (5 replies)
  174. installer final page issue (1 replies)
  175. Building a Windows installer package under FreeBSD invalid DOS header message (10 replies)
  176. UTF-16LE INI files (3 replies)
  177. Installing .net framework 2.0 service pack1 (2 replies)
  178. Link control in nsDialogs is different (2 replies)
  179. how to determine SQL version? (2 replies)
  180. Pay $100+ for basic starter NSIS Install Script (2 replies)
  181. Perform silent uninstall during upgrade install? (1 replies)
  182. I need custom install script to start from (0 replies)
  183. How can I get the Windows Special Folder Path? (2 replies)
  184. Choose Components - this OR that, not both (2 replies)
  185. nsExec::ExecToLog not showing in install.log (2 replies)
  186. Customising MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES page (5 replies)
  187. How to add Vers Nr for installer file properties (1 replies)
  188. Extract files (3 replies)
  189. Finding a specific folder (3 replies)
  190. 10$ for the one than can make an installer for my program ! (0 replies)
  191. Newbie Help With Updater Code (0 replies)
  192. uninstall.exe not always created succesfully (2 replies)
  193. Translated text no longer fits (1 replies)
  194. hy, got one more question please (6 replies)
  195. WIndows Asking For administrator username and password (3 replies)
  196. VISTA Compatibility (12 replies)
  197. hy, id like some skript to execute a series of exe files (3 replies)
  198. launch application before uninstall (2 replies)
  199. Using variable as part of a string? (2 replies)
  200. Getting "today's" date dynamically (4 replies)
  201. NSIS Unicode Custom Install Path (1 replies)
  202. use custom parameters (3 replies)
  203. Referencing Section index beofre it's declared (1 replies)
  204. WMI plug-in (24 replies)
  205. Progress bar and installation size (1 replies)
  206. Calculating Space required (4 replies)
  207. Win9x shows ugly icons for some installers (5 replies)
  208. Button text change (2 replies)
  209. Help Regarding nsdialogs (1 replies)
  210. File Request Return Value in nsdialogs (3 replies)
  211. Special Characters Displaying As Question Marks (3 replies)
  212. Trying to use makensis on linux (3 replies)
  213. Finish, Components pages. Is it possible.... (0 replies)
  214. Strange MessageBox formatting on Vista? (1 replies)
  215. Changing button text (2 replies)
  216. Log Window - view from finish screen ? (2 replies)
  217. Uninstall Problem (3 replies)
  218. NSIS + doxygen output? How to package? (2 replies)
  219. Best Practice for Displaying Revision History? (2 replies)
  220. Name of installer (2 replies)
  221. Setting a File Security for Vista (4 replies)
  222. BlackBerry Installer script (0 replies)
  223. Update Banner with progress/text (5 replies)
  224. Timeoutproblem with inetc plugin (0 replies)
  225. Change size of componentspage (0 replies)
  226. Error in ${NSD_SetText} (3 replies)
  227. quick vs long (MUI Page) installation (1 replies)
  228. Help with simple script. I'm newbie. (2 replies)
  229. Trying to make nsProcess' process termination into suspension (1 replies)
  230. t w o _ _ _ g i g a b y te s _ _ _ limit (14 replies)
  231. how to know IIS AnonymousUser? (1 replies)
  232. Mutually Exclusive Options problem. (2 replies)
  233. Getting the current NSIS version (2 replies)
  234. Distributing NSIS with my app (1 replies)
  235. Detect Windows Edition (2 replies)
  236. Multiple options to install one file. (2 replies)
  237. length string (7 replies)
  238. Importing a Client Certifiacte to IE and FireFox (13 replies)
  239. how to set font size/type with nsdialogs (2 replies)
  240. How to change the page size (6 replies)
  241. How to cose installation after clicking on a link (2 replies)
  242. Problem with skipping custom pages and text of the Next/Install button (6 replies)
  243. English language as default in nsis-based installer (4 replies)
  244. next botton doesn't work on custom page (2 replies)
  245. IIS user (1 replies)
  246. NSIS Script Wizard: Setup languages problem (3 replies)
  247. Remote install as admin (1 replies)
  248. Installer crash in Vista RTM (4 replies)
  249. Show install details during silent (2 replies)
  250. EnvironmentError: No module named _md5 (7 replies)