- Silent install without /S (13 replies)
- Confused Newbie (2 replies)
- register compontents? (2 replies)
- Why is winamp nsis installer so big? (2 replies)
- File Search (4 replies)
- Set the installer's return value (0 replies)
- Destination Browse Bug (3 replies)
- newbie 'dirshow' question (7 replies)
- CommandLine param with CreateShortCut (5 replies)
- how do i make the first component a toggle? (3 replies)
- How to set default InstType (2 replies)
- Dynamic Sections (1 replies)
- Adding registry values from reg file (4 replies)
- about the "Copy" function (2 replies)
- date of an existing file (1 replies)
- Minimize all (9 replies)
- latest version of path extensions? (12 replies)
- Idiot question of the day.. (3 replies)
- overwriting in use dlls (4 replies)
- Remove OutFile (3 replies)
- nsisdl.dll (0 replies)
- Flush the Registry (7 replies)
- NSISplus V0.94 (2 replies)
- NSIS 1.98 shortcut bug (2 replies)
- Right-click on any directory and have the menu include my program. How in NSIS? (1 replies)
- improve download dll? (2 replies)
- WA3 listing question (2 replies)
- NSIS 1.98 bug (0 replies)
- 2 Reg Keys, 1 Install Dir (8 replies)
- Background program (6 replies)
- Desktop/start menu entries (5 replies)
- NSIS 2.0 Feature Request (5 replies)
- We need a basic template to aid new NSIS coders. (1 replies)
- Passing name of a batch file as a parameter (11 replies)
- Background (2 replies)
- Exe runs on 98 but not on NT/2k (2 replies)
- Two suggestions (3 replies)
- NSIS and ODBC (6 replies)
- WinAMP style skinned installer? (6 replies)
- InstallOptions: Multiple sets of radio buttons (7 replies)
- Question on code patches (0 replies)
- NSIS 2.0 alpha 0 (33 replies)
- Questiuon about VPatch (1 replies)
- NT/2k install question (0 replies)
- Variables (2 replies)
- How to update system DLLs? (9 replies)
- Newbie question: ExecWait problem launching java or javaw (3 replies)
- Manifest XML doens't work in last NSIS (winXP interface) (4 replies)
- IDE For NSIS Scripting! (9 replies)
- Run a SQL Statement with NSIS (1 replies)
- Image Support (2 replies)
- LogSet / NSIS_CONFIG_LOG (7 replies)
- Any example/doc on macro usage? (4 replies)
- Billboards - Anybody up for it? (6 replies)
- MakeNSISW Updated (0 replies)
- Finding the Window Class (1 replies)
- Using "Verdana" font instead of font default (1 replies)
- DLL response on MessageBox (12 replies)
- patch for regDLL (0 replies)
- Problems with '.onVerifyInstDir' (2 replies)
- SendMessage problems (4 replies)
- does anyone still use slate blue? (6 replies)
- Putting it all together (2 replies)
- Screen mouse pointer (12 replies)
- Finding WA3 and closing prob. (17 replies)
- $Variables in File instruction? (2 replies)
- Borland C++ Compiler (5 replies)
- NEWBIE: Cannot delete files on uninstall (1 replies)
- installer verification failed (3 replies)
- Multiple Archive Files (1 replies)
- CallInstDLL (2 replies)
- DSN Creation (20 replies)
- Check for mscomctl.ocx (4 replies)
- FileVersion - requested feature (4 replies)
- Cuestions and Sugestion for NSIS 1.98 (1 replies)
- Bug in IfFileExists? (7 replies)
- WriteINIStr removes INI entries (3 replies)
- NSIS rocks!! (0 replies)
- Additional icons and text? (1 replies)
- Hiding ExecWait windows (13 replies)
- Logset doesn't work when Dirshow is hide (0 replies)
- newbie: how to ask for multiple install dirs? (2 replies)
- Add this to 1.99? (9 replies)
- Makensis for POSIX (2 replies)
- Resume/Pause for nsisdl.dll (1 replies)
- Automatically Hide sections by InstType... (2 replies)
- Repair option (6 replies)
- Making NSIS even smaller...? (9 replies)
- Two questions (6 replies)
- NSIS plus v0.93 "little" bug on SilentInstall command (4 replies)
- XPStyle & stripping of useless dialogs and bitmaps (11 replies)
- Can Someone Help Me? (5 replies)
- Is it possible to test if data exist ? (4 replies)
- NSIS Bug..:( Sizes wrong! (12 replies)
- NSIS 1.98 joy. (2 replies)
- Querying vis_avs.dll (4 replies)
- Q: is it possible to change $PATH? (3 replies)
- Compilers?? (2 replies)
- nsis installer "display detail" bug (1 replies)
- Is It Possible... (2 replies)
- CreateShortCut problem with args (3 replies)
- License data (1 replies)
- Log File Name (3 replies)
- Uninstall does not work on 1.96 and 1.97 (3 replies)
- CreateShortcut truncates name of exe-file (10 replies)
- Start Program After Install (5 replies)
- MakeNSISW 1.3 bug (2 replies)
- What`s the latest version of NSIS? (1 replies)
- How to use system’s environment variables? (1 replies)
- Dynamically changing OutFile with variables? (6 replies)
- What is the best way to detect OS type? (3 replies)
- Several dialogs with Install Options (20 replies)
- write a REG_MULTI_SZ (2 replies)
- SectionSetFlags bits (4 replies)
- NSIS 1.97 - well, hopefully (32 replies)
- LicenseData x 2 (18 replies)
- Add/Remove Programs not auto-updated? (2 replies)
- SetCurrentDirectory (6 replies)
- Sticky suggestion : all NSIS modifications (3 replies)
- New Compression Results for NSIS .... (11 replies)
- Installation Type (2 replies)
- makensisw (4 replies)
- NSIS WishList and bug report place (7 replies)
- New User Questions (2 of them) (32 replies)
- Decompile from a other EXE - Installer *.NSIS (1 replies)
- Call For Writers for the NSIS Project House (2 replies)
- NSIS ZLib (0 replies)
- NSIS Wishlist (12 replies)
- Congratulations (11 replies)
- NSIS German and *.nsis examples in German (6 replies)
- I'd like to export .reg files with NSIS (11 replies)
- I can not use an icon from an exe even though it's 32x32x16. (5 replies)
- How to copy files? (FileReadByte/FileWriteByte?) (2 replies)
- Proper uninstall (2 replies)
- CRCCheck Feature/Bug (9 replies)
- Variable request and code help (5 replies)
- InstType Switch (4 replies)
- Weird Quotes Suggestion (19 replies)
- Newbie question (1 replies)
- Moderators for NSIS Discussion (19 replies)
- GetDllVersion And GetFileTime (1 replies)
- Silent Mode Comand Line (13 replies)
- Nsis scripts syntax highlight pack (0 replies)
- If "X" string is already in Registry then abort (3 replies)
- Getting ID3 from Shoutcast (1 replies)
- how does nsis bind files to the exe? (3 replies)
- Getting Spectrum info? (1 replies)
- creating a log file with NSIS_CONFIG_LOG (3 replies)
- small prob / question (4 replies)
- Recompiling the NSIS Source Code (9 replies)
- finding root directory (3 replies)
- get short path name (8 replies)
- Sections question... (11 replies)
- Extremely dumb newbie question regarding Delete (8 replies)
- Converting a String ($INSTDIR) from back to forward slash ( \ -> / ) (7 replies)
- Reloading explorer (3 replies)
- NSIS and Win XP (11 replies)
- changing the filename created by NSIS (5 replies)
- Mdac, Dcom98 (2 replies)
- Formated text in MessageBox? (5 replies)
- CreateShortCut on NT 4.0 & 95 (5 replies)
- splash.exe (4 replies)
- Enabled/Disabled Bitmaps (4 replies)
- shortcut again .... (2 replies)
- thanks NSIS! (11 replies)
- ShortCut Problem (5 replies)
- ExecWait in Uninstall Section (7 replies)
- Version Checking.. (7 replies)
- Optional sections conundrum (1 replies)
- Error on using WriteRegDWORD (2 replies)
- Weird font question (12 replies)
- How to get a directory deleted *after* executing a file? (3 replies)
- UNIX-Version - any chance? (8 replies)
- ReadINIStr Question (2 replies)
- Focus issues with InstallOptions.dll (1 replies)
- How can I check if the directory is empty? (5 replies)
- File associations (2 replies)
- french (0 replies)
- How to differentiate between Win 9.x and NT/2000/XP (2 replies)
- HowTo? autoclose the uninstall window (2 replies)
- HowTo? Detect if app is already running (3 replies)
- Line continuation with DirText? (3 replies)
- Can MessageBox text be formated? (3 replies)
- Trouble with MB_YESNOCANCEL for MessageBox (3 replies)
- Having trouble with Rename (2 replies)
- nsis COPYFILES seems to have 8.3 filename limit (2 replies)
- Function IsSilentMode (0 replies)
- XP user level install? (3 replies)
- RegDLL and Dependencies (15 replies)
- MAKENSIS bombs on 100K script w/ reg entries. (1 replies)
- Would like your opinion. (2 replies)
- Bug in ZIP2EXE ver.0.16 (0 replies)
- Sleep (2 replies)
- Font (57 replies)
- OMG! CloneCD uses NSIS! (2 replies)
- Logging output of the install to a file (5 replies)
- dos env variables? (3 replies)
- Uninstall from alternate folder bug? (2 replies)
- Un-installing a previous installation while installing a new version. (12 replies)
- AOL USERS - NSIS Failure (3 replies)
- disable a section based on an error (2 replies)
- Reading the $INSTDIR from a previous installation (4 replies)
- Screensize (21 replies)
- When is NSIS 2.00 released? (3 replies)
- Login dialogue (2 replies)
- Close Running File (2 replies)
- NSIS ..option for XML (10 replies)
- App using NSIS (2 replies)
- PIMP Installer question. (5 replies)
- CreateShortCut with an icon (8 replies)
- NSIS Plus (30 replies)
- Instal types (1 replies)
- International installation display wrong language (1 replies)
- VB again and again (12 replies)
- Possible Nsis bug with 'File' and user variables (1 replies)
- HowTo: User variables for Name, DirText, File (4 replies)
- Compile nsi scripts on Solaris 2.7/2.8 ? (2 replies)
- Goto's based on string from registry (4 replies)
- HowTo: display ReadMe.txt (3 replies)
- .ini (14 replies)
- How to delete 'Locked Files'? (0 replies)
- New to this...setting directories (1 replies)
- "Installer CRC Invalid" (4 replies)
- Install colors (4 replies)
- File attribute (1 replies)
- FileClose not closing a file (2 replies)
- Problems with function and section (3 replies)
- Search path functions (17 replies)
- Right-click menu compile option (3 replies)
- CopyFiles Function (1 replies)
- Upgrade_Macro Corrected (23 replies)
- nsis 1.96 bug ? (0 replies)
- Hiding ExecWait (14 replies)
- Possible Bug! (5 replies)
- a few suggestions (5 replies)
- Excluding Files (2 replies)
- Dumb Newbie question, but.... (6 replies)
- Customizing check-mark icons (2 replies)
- NSISDL with HTTP Resume (4 replies)
- NSIS compiled with Mingw problems (2 replies)
- [PATCH] Preserving file attributes (2 replies)
- Querying Registry (3 replies)
- File error control...? (0 replies)
- ini file updates (1 replies)
- nsis rocks, 'thank you!' to the developers (1 replies)
- Loading html file in the end (2 replies)
- .NSI Script Template Generator (6 replies)
- Problem with NSISDL.DLL (0 replies)
- NSIS Workbench questions (3 replies)
- How can we install to c:\dir ???? (5 replies)