- Problem with SetShellVarContext (1.98) (8 replies)
- including just a line ...help ! (9 replies)
- problem with branding text (5 replies)
- Language files (9 replies)
- NSIS compiler dll (10 replies)
- bug in NSIS 2.0a7 (makensisw.exe) (10 replies)
- Replacement of section divider? (7 replies)
- NSISDL - Some questions (3 replies)
- NSIS - The FAQ (18 Mar 2003) (4 replies)
- problem with sections (3 replies)
- Passing command line variables through (1 replies)
- some troubles (17 replies)
- Easy Question (3 replies)
- Detecting Network IP Address (8 replies)
- Alpha 7 is out (1 replies)
- Brandingimage (9 replies)
- file copy failed (7 replies)
- Icon Contributions (42 replies)
- Install Options Display Problem (4 replies)
- How to use this windows. (18 replies)
- http:// prefix detection (25 replies)
- .onMouseOverSubSection (5 replies)
- What the difference about NSIS script and Zip convertScript or Zip c (2 replies)
- Select the directory ton install.... (5 replies)
- Downloading the latest CVS version (6 replies)
- FileOpen and FileWrite (5 replies)
- UpgradeFile macro & GetFileVersion problem (5 replies)
- install options .onInit (1 replies)
- ReadRegStr (3 replies)
- Question and Suggestion (6 replies)
- Checking the CRC value of a file (4 replies)
- A new modern user interface (65 replies)
- GetFileTime Example (3 replies)
- icons (1 replies)
- Determining OS version (15 replies)
- ${SYMBOL} and FindWindow strangeness (6 replies)
- startup (5 replies)
- SetOverwrite - does it support filecopy (5 replies)
- read registry during the compilation (6 replies)
- How to create NSIS script for PHP application (4 replies)
- SetShellVarContext 'all' not working under Win9x (1 replies)
- how to check for a '\' at the end of a string (7 replies)
- How to add strings containing "" to reg.? (2 replies)
- uninstal section???? (4 replies)
- simple question about UI's resources (4 replies)
- Why no WriteEnvStr instruction ? (15 replies)
- Compilation problems (7 replies)
- Remove all Directories (1 replies)
- Could not find symbol DLLRegisterServer (1 replies)
- Killing all explorer windows (8 replies)
- DLL Overwriting (1 replies)
- Can Someone tell Me how to Associate a new file extension for my application (2 replies)
- NSIS development (1 replies)
- command subsection (3 replies)
- ** help wanted ** (5 replies)
- NSIS and MSM??? (4 replies)
- we have $EXEDIR.. what about $EXEFULLPATH ?? (1 replies)
- SetShellVarContext bug (2 replies)
- NSIS 2, mulitlanguage question (4 replies)
- Excluding Sections (1 replies)
- Bizarre idea that will never get implemented (4 replies)
- hyperlink in a message box (2 replies)
- NSISplus (0 replies)
- Install Options Default Field (5 replies)
- InstallOptions Question (6 replies)
- How to prompt for multiple file destinations... (9 replies)
- Windows 2000 DLL Registration (2 replies)
- Language Problem?? (17 replies)
- 3.0 vs 2.0 (Winamp) (17 replies)
- NSIS2a6 Compiling Error (1 replies)
- alpha fade AND MagicLime splash [delphi] =~ 15kb (0 replies)
- Install Options and too much data.. (11 replies)
- Sunjammer's NSIS Archive - Designing a new version - Comments wanted (1 replies)
- Small bug with File /oname identified (2 replies)
- Shared DLLs, and DLL hell (2 replies)
- ExecWait "java.exe ....." (1 replies)
- InstProgressFlags in 2.0 (6 replies)
- InstallOptions and others (2 replies)
- Can I uninstall Apache (5 replies)
- Missing Modified Times (3 replies)
- Edgewize code for web install (4 replies)
- Quote Problem (4 replies)
- Discovering the Operational System (1 replies)
- How to use /D switch (2 replies)
- Help! Help! Help! (1 replies)
- splash screen [fading in alpha trans] (8 replies)
- NSIS v1.62(AVS QUESTIONS) (1 replies)
- Is it a bug ? (1 replies)
- About apache and tomcat's installer? (1 replies)
- Dir in the reg (4 replies)
- Bliss (4 replies)
- some questions (9 replies)
- Dynamic ComponentText ? (7 replies)
- NSIS Idea - Comments Wanted (28 replies)
- Install Type Text? (4 replies)
- Numeric calculations including fractions? (4 replies)
- Portable Network Graphic? (2 replies)
- Shortcut In The SendTo Folder (NT/9X) (1 replies)
- Leaving you... (7 replies)
- Removal of Operating System Locked Files (6 replies)
- UnzipDLL extension DLL to unzip .zip files (1 replies)
- ExtractDLL, an extension DLL to decompress files (7 replies)
- Nsis-gui (69 replies)
- Where is NSIS now? (2 replies)
- splash screen and transparency (9 replies)
- NSIS 2 - Beta 0 is out! (201 replies)
- Debugging Installations (8 replies)
- Install Options Problem Please Help (10 replies)
- Quotes in FileWrite? (2 replies)
- DLL version numbering (1 replies)
- NSIS Project House: Site Completion Date (0 replies)
- VB Runtimes (10 replies)
- Read, edit a single line in a file? (4 replies)
- GetDLLVersionLocal ? (2 replies)
- IntFmt usage help (6 replies)
- Article on NSIS in PBDJ (3 replies)
- Registry setting for protocol (3 replies)
- Read lines in .TXT files (4 replies)
- SendMessage Usage (7 replies)
- Using logging without dirtext (5 replies)
- only prompt for directory on new install? (4 replies)
- serverd words (7 replies)
- Help for a weenie... really simple routine (2 replies)
- IsAdmin DLL (4 replies)
- Shortcut problem (5 replies)
- Can't build NSIS but need to change switches (such as logging)? (1 replies)
- next version enhancement from french community (9 replies)
- About !define (1 replies)
- pathname of file without the filename itself (9 replies)
- Use of a decent UI (Such as Tahoma Font) (3 replies)
- env vars in win.all (4 replies)
- reading INI strings consecutively (1 replies)
- NSIS / zip2exe overview for newbie (1 replies)
- New free frontend for NSIS (3 replies)
- Either launch install or launch app? (15 replies)
- control panel uninstall... (2 replies)
- Thank You!!! (0 replies)
- filesize comparison (2 replies)
- Delete Default RegValue bug. & 2.0a1 xp style bug? (1 replies)
- NSIS Compilation Error (1 replies)
- Default Registry Key (2 replies)
- comparing 2 versions (3 replies)
- DeleteRegKey (6 replies)
- Uninstalling links (3 replies)
- diferent install atributs like LicenseText (5 replies)
- The Latest Version Of NSIS (5 replies)
- Temporarily other moderator (3 replies)
- Closing Running Applications (4 replies)
- Logging (5 replies)
- SetFileAttributes (7 replies)
- to check if a file not exist (2 replies)
- .onVerifyInstDir help (bug ?!!!) (7 replies)
- where can i find examples -newbie (1 replies)
- MBCS patches (7 replies)
- Variable output file (5 replies)
- Remote Installing System (1 replies)
- Full color icon, XP style without recompiling and smaller header size (135 replies)
- Logfile and NSIS_CONFIG_LOG (9 replies)
- Nsis 2.0 (17 replies)
- NSIS and screen depth (8 replies)
- WindowName (1 replies)
- Borland C++ CLT (1 replies)
- Menu type in uninstaller (12 replies)
- *free* GUI IDE for NSIS (7 replies)
- ReadRegBin (4 replies)
- Ampersand in Application Name (1 replies)
- Am I doing this correctly??? (2 replies)
- License Agree Button width (1 replies)
- Is there a possibility to determine the OS language on runtime? (4 replies)
- multi-line abort message (3 replies)
- Install Type in Uninstaller... (3 replies)
- Executing an .exe (1 replies)
- on "hidewindow" (1 replies)
- Alternative Sections (2 replies)
- sigh...NSIS Directories? (1 replies)
- on the Progress Bar (2 replies)
- there's no $SENDTO variable? (3 replies)
- Reading environment variables (1 replies)
- CloseWindow problems again. (3 replies)
- Refreshing add/remove programs after uninstalling stuff (2 replies)
- Quoting problem with ExecWait on NT4 (4 replies)
- Couple of newbie questions (10 replies)
- more help (1 replies)
- update a system DLL that is in use. (2 replies)
- Install dir (1 replies)
- Dollar signs [$] in file names not allowed? (1 replies)
- File $WINDIR\whatever.exe doesn't run. Why? (1 replies)
- Can someone help me please (1 replies)
- Strings, Strings, and more Strings (1 replies)
- String Search and Compare? (1 replies)
- dirshow bug? (1 replies)
- ExecWait and another installer (1 replies)
- Winamp intalled directory (4 replies)
- Nsis Gui ? (2 replies)
- How to get Sun Java info? (1 replies)
- NSIS 2.0a0 Patch - Always Expanded Treeview (3 replies)
- hmmm... missing source files?? (2 replies)
- SectionGetFlags (14 replies)
- Capturing user input (1 replies)
- Re-compiling NSIS 2.0a0 (2 replies)
- NSIS Workbench (FNSIS) (26 replies)
- shit (2 replies)
- refreshenv.exe trouble w/xp (1 replies)
- Windows XP themes support in NSIS... (3 replies)
- find a full variable (1 replies)
- How can I do this? (1 replies)
- repair function (8 replies)
- Filewrite??? (1 replies)
- Including software with multiple license types (1 replies)
- Can I start with CUSTOM install type? (4 replies)
- little Dword trouble ! (5 replies)
- I can't install NSIS (5 replies)
- Function GetWinampInstPath (2 replies)
- is this idea hopeless? (2 replies)
- Can installer update itself? (10 replies)
- Code Website (0 replies)
- CMDLINE/GetParameters confusion (1 replies)
- getdllversion rhyme/reason (2 replies)
- register on reboot (0 replies)
- Contens of user_var (2 replies)
- Extension DLL for OS, DLL and file version information (6 replies)
- Invoke Internet Connection (3 replies)
- IDE for NSIS scripting (0 replies)
- no explicit setoverwrite ASK? (3 replies)
- Strip Path (3 replies)
- Adding additional controls (3 replies)
- Logging not working (1 replies)
- command line installer / uninstaller flags (3 replies)
- Change EXE Icon (1 replies)
- Same File Names (3 replies)
- Information! (10 replies)
- Start menu (2 replies)
- NSIS strange behaviour after compile (2 replies)
- Cant read text box (5 replies)
- more nt/2k permissions (10 replies)
- Extension DLL - Windows Service Functions & Is Administrator Check (4 replies)
- Closing an Application if running (5 replies)
- choose program group name dialog (1 replies)
- Yet another OS Version Detection question (7 replies)
- CreateShortCut adds drive letter ??? (6 replies)
- Install Drive? (2 replies)
- Help a n00b. Any sample .nsi (1 replies)
- ExecWait Problem (3 replies)
- detecting Administrator priv? (1 replies)
- Adding to a text file (1 replies)
- Prompting for a destination folder for shortcuts (16 replies)
- Holding onto the command prompt (2 replies)
- Changing up a directory (2 replies)
- Good InstallOptions.dll example (3 replies)
- use of "Remane /REBOOTOK" with long filename... (0 replies)