- SendToBack?? (0 replies)
- Improved UpgradeDLL macro (4 replies)
- Sniff for Open Programs (4 replies)
- Creating Icons - Extra Options (1 replies)
- how can we write " in a var? (1 replies)
- Create a file (5 replies)
- Patching a previous NSIS installed program? (8 replies)
- Installing Mozilla/Netscape 6 plugins (0 replies)
- Shortcut for all users (2 replies)
- Preserving file attributes? (6 replies)
- Start Prog (8 replies)
- Can I find out where user installed to? (1 replies)
- BDE installation using NSIS (1 replies)
- Show a text file within a section (8 replies)
- what is makensisw.exe ? (1 replies)
- Newbie Q: Multiple Install Directories (2 replies)
- Unzipping Nullsoft File In Chosen Folder (5 replies)
- VIM syntax highlighting for NSIS (2 replies)
- Where is the best GUI for NSIS (3 replies)
- Possible new feature? (8 replies)
- Insignificant grammatical mistake (11 replies)
- Install Options Tools (5 replies)
- detecting administrator (9 replies)
- WriteExe (2 replies)
- next version (0 replies)
- Install Options Control Placement Tool Version (2 replies)
- MakeNSIS Windows Wrapper - Crash (12 replies)
- naming (0 replies)
- Aborting NSISW (2 replies)
- Problem with a directory (3 replies)
- Alright guys get with it!!! (13 replies)
- Environment Variables (1 replies)
- dir2nsi (11 replies)
- Detect AVS Version? (5 replies)
- Cant figure out variables (8 replies)
- Bugs in Install Options??? (1 replies)
- 1.96 (6 replies)
- Add/Remove for current user only...? (5 replies)
- How to edit INI file? (2 replies)
- new Feature to NSIS (0 replies)
- Installation Options (4 replies)
- Get IP (10 replies)
- 1.95r (0 replies)
- Detect Windows Version (1 replies)
- Have Load-a-PiMP? (0 replies)
- Bug in size estimation for 1.95? (0 replies)
- Slate Blue v1.0.7 download - NSIS GUI (6 replies)
- JVM detection routine? (9 replies)
- Suggestions, and code contribution. (1 replies)
- Conditional Sections Order (1 replies)
- Insall Options (4 replies)
- Shared functions? (7 replies)
- Search & Replace text files (5 replies)
- Illegal Operation (1 replies)
- WriteRegExpandStr (1 replies)
- User Input Prompt (10 replies)
- UninstallSubCaption not working (2 replies)
- Help needed, sections problem (2 replies)
- Remove entry from environment path (3 replies)
- MakensisW Wrapper Update (7 replies)
- please post all comments about Slate Blue (8 replies)
- Enabling the Back button (1 replies)
- automaticly adding files for vb and other languages (4 replies)
- please Tell me!! help me!! (3 replies)
- Feature for changing components at runtime (2 replies)
- prompt2ini (1 replies)
- Bugfixes and Features for 1.95 (0 replies)
- Install components/sections from the internet? (4 replies)
- 1.94 Installer/Uninstaller bug/crash (7 replies)
- Recompiling the NSIS Source Code? (2 replies)
- How can i register Type Library (.TLB extension ) file ? (1 replies)
- EnumRegKey fails for non-admin users (1 replies)
- Close Running Application (21 replies)
- Switching Dirshow and ComponentText at runtime (10 replies)
- Change sections at runtime (1 replies)
- Add right click menu item? (4 replies)
- Localization, icons, ... (2 replies)
- How can i use "InstType" to delete some registry keys when uninstall the program ? (1 replies)
- UDebugOut.default (0 replies)
- It wont show install options! (2 replies)
- Create users wa3 install dir the installdir (8 replies)
- Tricky one (so all you experts can show off) (3 replies)
- short cuts: how to delete them? (1 replies)
- Application Sub-Folders (1 replies)
- Move files from CD to disk (2 replies)
- Help Me!!! (5 replies)
- Updated exdll.dpr from NSIS 1.84 (5 replies)
- - (2 replies)
- Q: add icon? (1 replies)
- Call function_name|:label_name HELP ME!!!!! (5 replies)
- New MakeNSIS Wrapper (7 replies)
- Nsis Homepage - Tools (2 replies)
- InstallOptions - [Control Placement Tool] DOWNLOAD (15 replies)
- UltraEdit syntax highlighting (9 replies)
- Splash Screen (2 replies)
- Possible problem with 1.94 and XP? (4 replies)
- 1.94 Uninstaller problem. (7 replies)
- Hkey_current_user (19 replies)
- NSIS IfFileExists Thread Problem (4 replies)
- Refresh with SendMessage (4 replies)
- MakeNSIS Wrapper for Windows (13 replies)
- More VB dist questions (2 replies)
- Hi, I'm a lazy bitch. (1 replies)
- Section executes even though its not checked (11 replies)
- Check for the existance of directories? (2 replies)
- NSIS System wide installation (4 replies)
- vim (1 replies)
- 4 string field dialog (2 replies)
- feature request (2 replies)
- Use a progress bar for silent installations (5 replies)
- ReadRegBin (0 replies)
- EnvStr or Harddisk Capacity (4 replies)
- Nice idea (I hope :) (3 replies)
- Questions about VB deployment & shared files (5 replies)
- Possible problem with 1.93 (5 replies)
- For those looking for a NSIS Editor with Syntax Highlighting (6 replies)
- Quick File Read ? (5 replies)
- SilentInstall silentlog option (1 replies)
- NSIS Internet Packages (10 replies)
- Nother Quick Question..... (2 replies)
- Remove recusrively (6 replies)
- how to use upx to compress exe first before make installer (8 replies)
- can nsis use A good compress method 7-zip (7 replies)
- picture in gradient (8 replies)
- Quick question (5 replies)
- Trouble compiling debug Installoptions (2 replies)
- Putting a component into MTS? <yikes> (1 replies)
- Path and environment variable (12 replies)
- what are nsis (1 replies)
- Choosing Sections (4 replies)
- file extension registration (10 replies)
- How to install for "All Users" under W2K? (2 replies)
- Zip2exe (0 replies)
- sorry (1 replies)
- proper string formatting (2 replies)
- Reading Partial Registry String Values (1 replies)
- Feature request: compare DLLs version (2 replies)
- how to get checked sections (7 replies)
- Fix for comment \ combo (2 replies)
- makensis-bz2.exe and no files bug (3 replies)
- Execute standard application after installation (5 replies)
- Nestable !insertmacro? (0 replies)
- easy icon... (3 replies)
- Problem with the $INSTDIR and registry (4 replies)
- NSIS XP Style bugs (3 replies)
- How I can register TLB file from script ? (2 replies)
- InstallOptions GUI (22 replies)
- EnvStr (0 replies)
- NSIS for NS type Installer (3 replies)
- adding files from subfolders (2 replies)
- NSIS Script editor (4 replies)
- execshell problem (9 replies)
- support for selecting section in a script. (2 replies)
- Usage of IfError (10 replies)
- nsis sdk for vb and slate blue (0 replies)
- Desktop Shotcuts (2 replies)
- Scrolling After Using NSISDL Bug (2 replies)
- WriteIniStr wont work completely on NT (5 replies)
- Filename with spaces for /oname=? (3 replies)
- New RegCode (9 replies)
- OS Version (1 replies)
- User prompting (7 replies)
- Adding Enter character to strings (1 replies)
- Changing checkmarks (3 replies)
- Get Current Date (1 replies)
- Small Request (2 replies)
- WriteRegStr problem (1 replies)
- Writing defaults to the registry (1 replies)
- update a DLL in use. (1 replies)
- Nsis Overheads by version (5 replies)
- NSISXpress - another attempt to gui... (5 replies)
- Admin Rights? (2 replies)
- Shared DLLs problem (3 replies)
- Windows Messages (4 replies)
- Using FindWindow (1 replies)
- Creating file associations (2 replies)
- Reboot in Win2k, activating (comunicating) registry changes (2 replies)
- Message Box to Input Information (3 replies)
- InstallColors option not working (1 replies)
- Is there a way for "Conditional Check"? (3 replies)
- High Color Icons for NSIS (7 replies)
- an option to just decompress to currunt dir please? (0 replies)
- BICOM compression (4 replies)
- USERPROFILE Question - Windows NT (1 replies)
- "HTTP downloading" plug-in? (2 replies)
- BIG files (file>300MB) (13 replies)
- Simple Question (1 replies)
- Removing empty dir after reboot (23 replies)
- ExDlg - InstallOptions little brother (7 replies)
- Autorun help (8 replies)
- required sections (1 replies)
- Install Options DLL Suggestions/Questions (5 replies)
- SendMessage (35 replies)
- Compile? (2 replies)
- High colour 20x20 icons? (1 replies)
- 1.91 source (4 replies)
- About HTML Help (1 replies)
- My result of zlib and bzip2 (4 replies)
- can nsisrun in differnt lang by detect os type (4 replies)
- NSISdl (3 replies)
- Is there a way too... (1 replies)
- GetFileTime failing (2 replies)
- Cool! (1 replies)
- Q: why is this icon wrong? (5 replies)
- CAB/LZX compression support? (3 replies)
- Justin goes bye-bye for a couple of weeks. (8 replies)
- My NSIS Documentations in HTML Help (7 replies)
- InstallDirRegKey equivalent for ini files (5 replies)
- How to make MyApp that install with NSIS list in system restore point? (2 replies)
- passwords? (1 replies)
- install only on nt/2000/xp? (5 replies)
- how to choose sm dir (10 replies)
- Some questions (reboot, shortcut, exec) (4 replies)
- Cascading context menu extentions (4 replies)
- Getting the current date at install time (6 replies)
- NT/2K/XP services installation? (13 replies)
- question about ms-cab and LZX-compression (1 replies)
- Feature Request: Splitting an installer (10 replies)
- NSH Icon (3 replies)
- InstType (3 replies)
- InstallOptions as an extension DLL (36 replies)
- all software developers - read me (3 replies)
- InstallOptions: PW Requesting (1 replies)
- just close winamp ( read me) (3 replies)
- Bug in 1.9a2? (6 replies)
- nsis 1.9a questions (1 replies)
- RegCode (19 replies)
- Installing fonts... (2 replies)
- suggestion of localization (4 replies)
- SetFileAttributes (0 replies)
- Mising file in NSIS 1.9a (crc32.c) (2 replies)
- Does it run on XP? (2 replies)
- upgrading msvcrt.dll (3 replies)
- Abort functionality with 1.80 ? (9 replies)
- new version launchs too quickly (0 replies)
- Technical Shortcut Information? (0 replies)
- Rename bug ? (0 replies)
- CreateShortCut start in option ? (7 replies)
- Removed CompareDLLVersions ? (13 replies)
- Producing an Installer from NSIS' (4 replies)
- .onVerifyInstDir (3 replies)
- just thoughts (2 replies)
- slate blue v1.0b download (11 replies)
- compress question (1 replies)
- Can you add a page to input serial code (3 replies)
- Audio Track (22 replies)
- notion of current directory for File cmd (1 replies)
- NSIS registry 'bug' on 2K/XP (3 replies)
- EditPlus .stx file for NSIS (7 replies)
- License is not dispolayed in 1.70 (6 replies)