- nsis gui ready for download (13 replies)
- nsis and bzip2? you bet! here it is (19 replies)
- Announcement: New branch of NSIS, NSIS(lch), with new functionality! (23 replies)
- nsis gui and site update (1 replies)
- Zlib tweak to increase compression (0 replies)
- Exec does not work? (2 replies)
- a different direction (1 replies)
- Modifying Environment variables (2 replies)
- nsis gui beta (4 replies)
- Nullsoft Install System en Français (7 replies)
- A faster but limited implementation of Blue Gredient Background feature (1 replies)
- trouble with Netscape (9 replies)
- AVS pimp script (4 replies)
- NSIS/PIMP still required? (2 replies)
- "I agree" Button in the License Dialog (3 replies)
- nsis/compression/upx/bzip2 (4 replies)
- NSIS Things from another Forum (0 replies)
- Installer CRC invalid (1 replies)
- how extract files from installer without running install-script (11 replies)
- Installation on WinNT4.0: All User!! (7 replies)
- Problem with all NSIS installation programs (4 replies)
- nsis gui update (11 replies)
- Install Tricks! (2 replies)
- CompareDLLVersions (7 replies)
- MoveFileOnReboot (1 replies)
- problem with creating a complex shortcut (1 replies)
- Problem with Log file creation (0 replies)
- update? (3 replies)
- Problem with CreateShortCut pointing to Internet pages (10 replies)
- Better ActiveX registration (14 replies)
- NSIS First Impression (0 replies)
- freeness (2 replies)
- Another directory selection window question. (4 replies)
- Many Thanks (2 replies)
- has nsis a multiplatform future? (12 replies)
- Opening a second directory selection window (2 replies)
- InstBrwoserPlug / DeleteBrowserPlug Source (3 replies)
- asking users for information (3 replies)
- NT 4 crash (7 replies)
- Wildcards not working with SetFileAttributes (2 replies)
- Items that need to be put in the NSIS installer (31 replies)
- Auto-Uninstall/NT 4 (0 replies)
- nsis gui source code (0 replies)
- Best way to commit changes to the community? (1 replies)
- MessageBox problem (0 replies)
- License (1 replies)
- Installation of NSIS Installer (2 replies)
- Lessening the load for NSIS GUI and other application developers... (3 replies)
- forums (1 replies)
- Disabled by default? (4 replies)
- nsis gui update-working download slate blue (11 replies)
- Changing the default icons (1 replies)
- ReadRegDword (0 replies)
- Thinking out loud. (1 replies)
- $root (6 replies)
- quit from installer (3 replies)
- Maybe I'm completely missing something... (1 replies)
- How easy is the NSIS Scripting Language? (1 replies)
- NSIS GUI Update - Slate Blue 0.0.25 (18 replies)
- Problem with Exec and ExecWait (2 replies)
- Made nsi file, but now I need help (2 replies)
- XML / MergeModules (1 replies)
- Forum Layout (4 replies)
- NSIS GUI - i'm making one (6 replies)
- RegDLL Only When Files Not Overwritten (2 replies)
- Need help and examples.... please !! (1 replies)
- Variables in Uninstall Section (1 replies)
- Read the size of ram (1 replies)
- Register COM objects (4 replies)
- Executing an INF file? (5 replies)
- Launching program from installer (4 replies)
- Write registry (5 replies)
- Using INI Files (2 replies)
- Compiling with Lcc-Win32 (16 replies)
- Do YOU have the Pimp GUI? (11 replies)
- Extract archive from exe (3 replies)
- Restart windows (3 replies)
- Using ReadRegStr and WriteRegDword (0 replies)
- Angstrom: Replacement scripting language for NSIS? (23 replies)
- German Translation (1 replies)
- Registering filetypes with Netscape and IE (how?) (2 replies)
- Installer Self-deletion (9 replies)
- NSIS feature questions: external DLL functions, custom dialogs? (5 replies)
- Registry string (0 replies)
- Re-engineering an NSIS installer (1 replies)
- Creating a DOS shortcut with (0 replies)
- Adding an ODBC DSN (2 replies)
- Disabled by default (4 replies)
- sql script (1 replies)
- Tip: Compressing better (3 replies)
- Help with Uninstall Section (1 replies)
- How to find Winamp's directory or Plugin directory (2 replies)
- Files List (6 replies)
- Is there a tutorial of this application somewhere? (6 replies)
- Does version handling differ on WinNT and Win2k (1 replies)
- Why isn't this line working? (1 replies)
- Problems with Sections! (3 replies)
- Exe-to-nsi (1 replies)
- Silent Uninstall? (1 replies)
- Help finding MDAC version and checking if a dll is shared (6 replies)
- Problems installing DLL files (1 replies)
- Checking if program is open.. (1 replies)
- Suggestions for ZIP2EXE program (1 replies)
- Exec Strangeness (6 replies)
- PATH setting tool? (2 replies)
- Alternative uninstall directory? (1 replies)
- Time on Generated EXE (Suggestion) (0 replies)
- $0 problem (1 replies)
- DllRegisterServer Problem (8 replies)
- Compiling Source Code (10 replies)
- Kill the llama (9 replies)
- Give me some lines (2 replies)
- "Abort" f*** up (2 replies)
- #define (or sth alike) needed (1 replies)
- how to use the sources (newbie) (0 replies)
- 2 questions (one important) (3 replies)
- Install as a System Service (4 replies)
- still no mod? (28 replies)
- Can you use variables in File statements (3 replies)
- Autorun/Install Script (0 replies)
- Checkbox Idea (1 replies)
- Exec Bug (5 replies)
- Non-official release 1.44e (21 replies)
- Dumb question ... (newbie) (5 replies)
- Volume on diskettes (1 replies)
- Determine Windows Version patch (1 replies)
- nsis 1.44 is out (0 replies)
- batch file (1 replies)
- simple wish (1 replies)
- NSIS question (3 replies)
- Feature Idea (4 replies)
- SetAutoClose Bug (2 replies)
- ANNC: Web-based installs (1 replies)
- Where ? (2 replies)
- Update (1 replies)
- Problem packing EXE header with UPX (9 replies)
- NSIS 1.44? (2 replies)
- CreateShortCut bug - $WORKDIR is needed (4 replies)
- CopyFile Functionality (1 replies)
- NSIS function library (4 replies)
- What features/improvements do we want? (15 replies)
- new feature - Remotely Download.... (2 replies)
- IfFileExists Questions (2 replies)
- Createshortcut bugs - SW_SHOWMINIMIZED (0 replies)
- Know the current version of windows (1 replies)
- NSIS 1.43 (5 replies)
- Thanks, InstallShield! (4 replies)
- Use of Quotes? (3 replies)
- CreateShortcut Bug? (4 replies)
- Conditional SilentInstall (4 replies)
- Registry reading problems... (5 replies)
- Another issue-thoughts? (2 replies)
- What is the best way to handle upgrades? (4 replies)
- Enhancement submissions? (1 replies)
- Extra Screens During install? (5 replies)
- Installer -> Script (3 replies)
- How do I check for Administrator? (7 replies)
- DeleteRegKey? (10 replies)
- What's the latest version of NSIS? (5 replies)
- Feature requests (2 replies)
- User Input (4 replies)
- [OT]: Splash Screen (4 replies)
- enhances (0 replies)
- Nop? (3 replies)
- Keyboard Shortcuts? (5 replies)
- Question on Sections (4 replies)
- CreateShortcut Error (1 replies)
- $\n Code (10 replies)
- Component Screen (6 replies)
- NSIS Mirrors (1 replies)
- Current Folder Bug? (7 replies)
- Code Beautification?? (0 replies)
- Copy Protection? (12 replies)
- deleting unregistered dll files (like shellextensions) (1 replies)
- NSIS Compression (4 replies)
- CreateShortCut for All Users (5 replies)
- Check if a program is running before you try to un-install it. (12 replies)
- Active X Installation (8 replies)
- Language Options (2 replies)
- Localized versions? (3 replies)
- development section way behind (4 replies)
- Silent Mode in COMPILER (11 replies)
- Infinite loop (1 replies)
- How to Enable log in Silent normal? (1 replies)
- Definition of new variable called $DATE (2 replies)
- Feature Suggestion: User Defined Start Menu Folder (8 replies)
- Design Suggestion + CreateShortcut Request (0 replies)
- prog question (1 replies)
- Create Desktop Shortcuts? (3 replies)
- Skins for NSIS???? (4 replies)
- Better compression (9 replies)
- OS Version Check (0 replies)
- Execute something at very beginning of uninstall? (1 replies)
- Sharing violation (5 replies)
- InstallColors (0 replies)
- VPatch v1.1 released! (20 replies)
- What does (4 replies)
- About DATE feature (0 replies)
- NSIS 1.42 (1 replies)
- New IfOSVersion command (0 replies)
- Debug build fixes for NSIS141 (0 replies)
- NSIS 1.41 (0 replies)
- Set DEFAULT installation Dir (conditionally) (3 replies)
- Can someone help me? (0 replies)
- Hi justin - registry commands? (1 replies)
- Cracking NSIS CRCCheck! (7 replies)
- NSIS update notification (1 replies)
- NEW FEATURE: Stored File Versions (7 replies)
- Install for All/Current User? [ and one more ? ] (0 replies)
- Installing DLLs to the system directory (2 replies)
- Justin? (12 replies)
- Support for Shared Dlls? (0 replies)
- T^T need help.... (4 replies)
- Need new registry commands (1 replies)
- NSIS 1.4 (3 replies)
- Feature Created dodgly.. here's your splash thingy (7 replies)
- [BUG]: InstType /NOCUSTOM (1.4 beta 2) (0 replies)
- How to show readme file first (4 replies)
- NSIS.skinmaster.co.uk (6 replies)
- Translating NSIS (2 replies)
- Bug report for NSIS 1.32 (0 replies)
- Need help with script! (9 replies)
- Wizard (6 replies)
- Icon creation and handling (6 replies)
- Variables, Am I being stupid? (2 replies)
- How do I update my Winamp? (2 replies)
- Concerns with NSIS Development (24 replies)
- NSIS Idea (2 replies)
- More on the License Agreement Page (3 replies)
- Feature Idea: Print License Agreement (5 replies)
- No Required Sections (2 replies)
- Feature Idea: Label on BGBG (2 replies)
- Feature Idea: Splash Screen (8 replies)
- NSIS 1.4beta2 is up :^) (0 replies)
- I cannot download nsis11v.exe (2 replies)
- issue with the ExecWait command (0 replies)
- Weird Behaviour? (5 replies)
- ZIP2EXE Idea (3 replies)
- Try? Nop? (2 replies)
- CONFIG.H? Header? Size? (6 replies)
- Goto, SetOutDir and File /r problem. (0 replies)
- Has Anyone Else Thought of This? (4 replies)
- Spanning (9 replies)
- Cannot Download NSIS! (6 replies)
- EditPlus 2.1 STX File... (1 replies)
- NSIS 1.4 BETA IS UP!!! :) (5 replies)
- New to NSIS - WOW its great! (1 replies)
- help an NSIS newbie :) (3 replies)
- Multiple install directories (8 replies)
- Operation System dependant variable (5 replies)